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Sexual Health

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Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Men: Keeping your heart health in midlife

When I was in medical school, a heart attack in a 40-year-old man was rare. Not anymore. We used to think heart disease happened primarily to older adults. But two risk factors hitting all-time high rates among men between the ages of 35 and 64 means it’s time to double down…

Debra Atkinson

16 ways to ‘get in the mood’

One in 10 women experiences a loss of their sexual desire. That’s 16 million women who’ve lost an important part of a healthy life. Maybe you don’t really think it’s a big deal, but there’s something you should know…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What any man can do to ‘last longer’

It’s no secret that having a good sex life can make your whole life feel better, your relationships run more smoothly and boost your confidence. But problems can sneak into the bedroom that create more frustration than joy. Here’s a secret every man should know…

Craig Cooper

Vitamin may solve problem of the little blue pill

The list of possible causes of erectile dysfunction is long, yet one option is often overlooked, and it’s a simple fix. The results of numerous studies have indicated that a common vitamin deficiency can have a significant impact on a man’s sex life…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

A three-way attack on erectile dysfunction

Remember that super sexy foodie scene from the steamiest movie to come out of the late 80s — 9 1/2 Weeks? In “that” scene, the two romantic leads share some sensuous snacks, including grapes and strawberries, while sitting in front of an opened refrigerator. But do you know what was missing?

Carolyn Gretton

The diabetes side effect no one talks about

Sex. It’s a topic that’s all over TV, film and social media. Unfortunately, it’s one that many of us are uncomfortable discussing personally. And if you have diabetes, you may not even be aware that your blood sugar problems not only mess with your health but are also behind problems in the bedroom…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Sex after 60: if you’re not doing it, you should be

Who says sex after 60 stops? If you think you’re supposed to leave all that behind after a certain birthday, you’d be mistaken. Researchers say an active sex life can offer benefits that can make your life more satisfying with age, and they have some tips to help you get it on…

Craig Cooper

When low testosterone is actually a simple vitamin problem

Whether you want sustained strength in the gym, more brainpower in the boardroom, better performance in the bedroom, or other overall health benefits, you need to keep this vitamin at optimal levels, especially if you’re concerned about low T…

Carolyn Gretton

Low sex drive? It may be your thyroid

There are a lot of symptoms of low thyroid function. You may experience cold hands and feet, fatigue, headache, stiff or painful joints and depression, among other effects. But there’s another thyroid symptom affecting men and women we don’t talk about…

Carolyn Gretton

10 health consequences of not having sex

It can be deceptively easy to slide into an extended period of not having sex. Life gets busy, you get tired, and sometimes we think we’re just too old. But lack of sex isn’t just a relationship issue: not having sex can negatively impact your health, happiness and well-being…

Easy Health Options Staff

Common erectile dysfunction drugs tied to vision problems

Drugs for ED have become incredibly popular in the last several years, helping many men overcome a problem that impacts their quality of life. But they may come with a serious price: a higher risk of three conditions that could cause vision loss…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Low T and ED? Blame a high protein diet

Eating a high protein diet is a great way to keep your muscles strong so that you don’t lose them with age. But there are some downsides. For men, eating a diet with too much protein can lead to low levels of testosterone, low sperm count and ED. Here’s how to find balance…