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Jenny Smiechowski

6 common sunscreen chemicals aren’t safe even by FDA standards

Sunscreen is so important for protecting yourself from skin cancer and skin aging. There’s no denying that. Heck, I wear sunscreen on my face and neck every day (even in the winter when the likelihood of me getting any sun is pretty slim) for those very reasons. But sunscreen is far from perfect…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

8 vitamins for supple summer skin

Between fluctuating hormone levels, falling collagen levels, oxidative stress and the summer sun, your skin could probably use some help repairing itself these days. That’s where these eight skin-saving vitamins come in…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two big reasons you need more vitamin C this summer

Summer is here and that means fun in the sun. Taking vitamins might not be at the top of your list when it comes to summer must-haves, but there are two big reasons vitamin C should be, and one of them is sunburn protection…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

The vitamin everyone needs (especially diabetics) for kidney protection

Protecting your kidneys is critical to a long and healthy life. But did you know one of the most dangerous and prevalent side effects of type 2 diabetes is kidney damage? So in addition to properly managing diabetes, it’s vitally important to be sure you’re not deficient in this one very important vitamin…

Joyce Hollman

Taurine: The anti-aging amino acid

Imagine turning up the switch on a natural substance your body produces to avoid the ailments of aging. Wishful thinking? Not with this amino acid’s potential to suppress weight gain, increase bone mass, muscle strength and endurance, reduce depression, insulin resistance, DNA damage and more…

Carolyn Gretton

How to support your longevity organ

While it’s true that genetics can play a role in enjoying life to 100, study after study proves your genes are not your destiny. There’s one factor that may give you a major leg up in your quest to live long and healthy — and it focuses on one specific organ…


Joyce Hollman

Nature’s Ozempic? Berberine’s impact on blood sugar and weight loss

Berberine is a natural plant compound found in the barberry and goldenseal plants that, in study after study, has been shown to improve blood sugar, cholesterol and even weight loss efforts. Here’s all you need to know…

Joyce Hollman

Vitamin D levels bolster skin cancer treatment

Immune checkpoint inhibitors, cancer drugs that take the brakes off the natural immune response so T cells can anihilate cancer cells, are especially effective against melanoma, when caught early. But a new finding says vitamin D levels play into how effective the immunotherapy can be…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How CoQ10 supports kidney health

37 million people in our country are living with chronic kidney disease, mostly due to high blood pressure and diabetes. And most don’t even know it. Luckily, a review of multiple studies is offering up an easy way to help make sure you don’t become one of them…

Joyce Hollman

The one-a-day vitamin that slashed death from cancer

Taking a vitamin once a day seems a simple enough strategy for anyone to stick to. But how many times have you read about the amazing benefits of one vitamin in particular, got started enthusiastically and then just gave up the habit? This is one vitamin you can’t afford not to commit to…

Margaret Cantwell

Energize your cells to shrink fat—literally

If you struggle with weight issues despite sticking to a reasonably healthy diet and regular exercise routine, it’s time you got in on this little secret. It isn’t your fault. The standard American diet has made you the victim of a tragic nutrient deficiency that could otherwise shrink fat cells.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Women and heart disease: The menopause years

I remember when I experienced my first night sweat. I knew it signalled menopause, but also knew there wasn’t much to do about it. After all, hormone therapy was dangerous. But did a flawed study scare women away from a therapy that could lessen thier heart disease risk?