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Jenny Smiechowski

Triple nutrient cocktail could help stave off heart attack and stroke

Atherosclerosis is the primary cause of heart attack, but it also causes about half of all strokes. And there are often no symptoms until it’s too late.

Margaret Cantwell

The unseen damage of vitamin deficiencies: Sacrificing longevity

When it comes to supplements, most doctors say forget them. But nutrition science ignores the fact that most vitamins and minerals are not only needed to maintain daily health, they’re also required for processes that impact longevity. If you’re not taking in enough of the ones on this list, it’s your lifespan that gets cheated…

Carolyn Gretton

What triggers cold sores to flareup?

Herpes simplex virus-1, the “cold sore” virus, is extremely common. It’s believed to be present in more than half of all Americans. That doesn’t make it any easier to deal with when cold sores flareup. Gaining a better understanding of the virus may…

Margaret Cantwell

Could a resveratrol supplement fight Lyme disease?

Not to sound paranoid, but my biggest concern about being outdoors isn’t snakes, it’s ticks. More than 475,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported each year in the U.S. Though early antibiotic therapy can help, a few plant extracts found to kill the bacteria may hold more promise…

Carolyn Gretton

This ancient Chinese herb could be the next big thing in cancer treatment

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has millennia of evidence backing up its remedies. Which is why when searching for the next cancer breakthrough, researchers have turned to an unusual medicinal herb with a solid reputation for acting against cancer cells…

William Davis

Nitric oxide: The pathway to better blood vessels, blood pressure and blood flow

Have you heard of nitric oxide? It’s a key biological signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system so important, its discovery earned a Nobel Prize. It helped make a little blue pill famous, but what it can do for blood pressure, blood flow and blood vessels is where NO truly shines…


Joyce Hollman

Phosphatidylserine: The natural way to a better brain and mood

Chances are you’ve never heard of phosphatidylserine. It’s a fatty substance especially important for brain neurons — for good reason: It’s the key to better brain function, including memory, stress management and healthy mood…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

When your headaches happen at the same time of day

Whether you suffer from migraines or cluster headaches, when the pain hits, everything stops. And for many, these headaches come with incredible regularity, even down to the time of day they start. It’s a fact that’s led researchers to some startling findings and potential relief…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Exceptional longevity tied to an exceptional immune system

Have you ever wondered why some people live to 100 with their health, while most of us are lucky to make it to 50 before developing multiple health conditions? While longevity research has focused on wine and chocolate, a new revelation says it starts with your immune system…

Joyce Hollman

The deficiency setting African American men up for prostate cancer

African American men face a higher risk for prostate cancer. Not only are they more likely to develop the disease, but twice as likely to lose their lives to it. Genetic differences in cellular processing of one very important vitamin are to blame…

Joyce Hollman

9 natural allergy remedies that won’t put you to sleep

For most allergy sufferers, spring can be absolutely miserable. If you’re tired of antihistamines that put you to sleep, give these natural allergy remedies a go, and watch out for the dehydration factor that can make your symptoms worse…

Joyce Hollman

8 ways to rid your home of dust, dirt and toxins this spring

Few things are sweeter than spring after a long, cold winter. It just makes you want to start cleaning everything! But with a little planning, you can make your home a healthier living space by cutting down on endocrine-disrupting toxins hiding in plain sight…