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Joyce Hollman

Red ginseng helps slow aging, boost energy after menopause

Ginseng is an anti-viral and anti-inflammatory that stops our stress response cycle, including the immune response that follows stress. But for those who need help with energy and aging, its benefits may go to the cellular level…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Good news for your bones if you’ve passed menopause

Saying the word “menopause” immediately conjures up images of hot flashes, night sweats and bones becoming frail and prone to fracture. However, while menopause isn’t always a walk in the park, everything post menopause isn’t always bad news…

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising truth about soy and hot flashes

There’s been a lot of confusion about whether soy is good or bad for our well-being. What researchers are discovering is that whole soy foods can actually support brain and heart health. More good news? They may also relieve a particularly irritating symptom of menopause that’s proven especially difficult to manage…

Joyce Hollman

Why menopause makes time in the sun riskier

Sun exposure is a double-edged sword. It helps the body synthesize vitamin D, but too much can lead to skin cancer. But that’s not all, especially for post-menopausal women. New research finds one more serious reason for women to strike a healthy balance with our sun exposure.

Dr. Mariza Snyder

Top 10 supplements to balance hormones naturally

Your hormones rely on key nutrients to work at their best, and it is virtually impossible to get everything you need through food alone, unless you want to eat 10lbs of broccoli sprouts every day! Let’s take a look at the best and most well-researched supplements for various types of hormonal support!

Dr. Mariza Snyder

The connection between declining hormones and depression

You may be asking yourself, “How did I get here? Why do I feel so bad?” If you’re between the ages of 35-50 then your hormones are most likely to blame. Your reproductive hormones are fluctuating, and ultimately beginning to or finishing their decline to menopause. It can be a difficult time. But it doesn’t have to be.


Joyce Hollman

Hot flashes can predict spikes in blood pressure

Of all the things that can happen to a woman’s body during menopause, there’s nothing quite like a hot flash. When I was young, my mother used to roll down the car window in the dead of winter and stick her head out the window. I never understood this, until I hit menopause myself. If […]

Carolyn Gretton

What women should know about the estrogen-atherosclerosis connection

Hormone replacement therapy can be helpful to many women for relieving the symptoms of menopause. However, it’s not without risk. But considering that the number one killer of women is heart disease, more women need to understand what the loss of estrogen does to their blood vessels and that they have natural options to both ease menopause and avoid heart disease.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why menopause may put you at risk for liver damage

There’s a common misconception that liver disease only threatens people who drink a lot of alcohol or take a lot of medications. But nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can strike anyone and lead to liver damage, liver cancer, liver failure and even death. Unfortunately, one group of women may be extra vulnerable to this dangerous liver disease…

Joyce Hollman

Menopause, brain energy and the Alzheimer’s connection women need to know more about

Most people think menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, memory loss start in the ovaries, when in fact they are neurological symptoms. That’s because estrogen helps produce energy in the brain. As it delines neurons slow down and age quickly. That’s why women need to protect their brains as they age…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why dairy doesn’t do your body (or bones) good during menopause

Everyone loses some bone mass with age, but women going through menopause lose the most by far. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to protect your bone mass during menopause, but, unfortunately, one of the most popular methods for maintaining bone density may not work for menopausal women…

Joyce Hollman

One more reason to use hops for menopause relief

With all the research linking hormone replacement therapy with breast cancer, it’s no wonder many women prefer natural relief for menopause symptoms. After concerns about its possible interactions with common medications, a particularly effective supplement has been given the all-clear…