pH Balance

Dr. Michael Cutler

Tips to treat and avoid the fungus among us

We all have yeast on our skin, and for the most part you never know it’s there. But when you do, it’s quite annoying, itchy and uncomfortable. Some can be downright dangerous. So how can you avoid a yeast or fungal infection especially during the summer months?

Carolyn Gretton

4 ways mouth breathing wrecks your health

Do you often wake up in a puddle of drool? Is your mouth drier than the Mojave desert in the morning? These are annoying signs of a common issue that can impact your health far more seriously than you ever dreamed. From bad teeth to low oxygen, mouth breathing takes a toll…

Tracey G. Ingram, AuD

5 ways to douse GERD that won’t raise your stroke risk

Many acid reflux drugs have been found to increase stroke risk by as much as 94 percent! Luckily, researchers identified 5 easy steps to reduce GERD symptoms without the threat of stroke.

Joyce Hollman

Endangered Microbiome: Protecting your biggest ally

When you hear the word “bacteria,” the first thing you may think of is a disease-causing organism that needs to be eradicated. But without the bacteria in your gut microbiome, it’s your health that could disappear. And science says we should all be worried about that…

Joyce Hollman

What dentists get but doctors don’t about pH balance

Every time you eat or drink anything other than water, the pH level in your mouth drops (becomes more acidic). This causes minerals in your tooth enamel to seep out as your body tries to re-establish a balanced pH. Any guesses what happens in the rest of your body?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How an acidic diet can take your kidney health down fast

When most of us think about the foods we eat, we get stuck on things like fat, calories and the amount of sugar in them. Yet, one thing few of us consider is the effect of food on the pH balance — alkalinity to acidity ratio — of the body, which is equally as important… even moreso, for your kidneys.