DIY Health

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why summer heat is hard on your heart and how to keep cool

If you have heart problems, it’s important to understand how heat can compound your risks. When your body tries to cool down, the process stresses the heart in several ways, But you can still enjoy summer, keep your cool and stay safe with these tips…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 reasons mosquitoes love you and how to turn them off

Are you a mosquito magnet? Do you wonder why everyone else can enjoy a great summer cookout while you get swarmed by disease-carrying, welt-inducing, blood-sucking insects? Well, it turns out, there are several potential reasons why you could top the mosquitoes’ most desirable list…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Tips to treat and avoid the fungus among us

We all have yeast on our skin, and for the most part you never know it’s there. But when you do, it’s quite annoying, itchy and uncomfortable. Some can be downright dangerous. So how can you avoid a yeast or fungal infection especially during the summer months?

Joyce Hollman

9 steps that make summer grilling healthier

Time to break out the grill, but you should know that grilling meat can generate two known carcinogens. The good news: there are a few steps you can take to reduce this threat, including the right marinade…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 ways to make your varicose veins and blood clot risk vanish

Whether varicose veins put a kink in your style or not, you should know they’re not as benign as we’ve been lead to believe. They could increase your risk for deep vein thrombosis. Here are 6 ways to reduce the threat…

Dr. Mark Wiley

9 fingernail signs you might be sick

Traditional healers, naturopaths and even old-school physicians can get clues as to the state and quality of your health by looking at you. Your body offers many “secret signs” that are “hidden in plain sight,” if you know where to look, what you are looking for and what the signs you see mean…