
Joyce Hollman

Taurine: The anti-aging amino acid

Imagine turning up the switch on a natural substance your body produces to avoid the ailments of aging. Wishful thinking? Not with this amino acid’s potential to suppress weight gain, increase bone mass, muscle strength and endurance, reduce depression, insulin resistance, DNA damage and more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Key player in kidney disease identified (and a supplement that helps)

37 million Americans live with chronic kidney disease. If you have diabetes or hypertension, you’re at high risk of joining them. Luckily, a new treatment, and better yet, preventative, is on the horizon. Even better, it’s available right now without prescription…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘invisible’ chemical increasing Parkinson’s diagnoses

Trichloroethylene is a chemical used in manufacturing as a solvent and degreaser. Up until the 1970s, it was used to decaffeinate coffee, of all things. Now, there’s a strong possibility it’s increasing cases of Parkinson’s disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Popular manicure may increase risk for skin cancer

Before you head off to the nail salon, there’s something you should know. Gel manicures may look lovely but they expose you to a very real danger. Just like the sun and tanning beds, those nail dryers pack a serious punch of UV radiation…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Mitochondria: Key to preserving fitness during aging

Exercise is one of the most powerful anti-aging tools we have. But even though physical activity can improve health during aging, evidence also shows that inevitably those beneficial effects decline. Research shows with the right intervention, they may not have to…

Joyce Hollman

Red light could turn back the clock on your eyesight

What if you could hold a simple device to your eyes each morning, look into it for several minutes and improve your vision? This isn’t science fiction, but the next possible step in turning back the clock, so at 70 years old you might see as well as you did at 40…