Vitamin K

Jedha Dening

For lowest BP, eat your beets this way

Beets are a root vegetable we love for their bright purple flesh and pleasing sweet flavor. And if you’ve beat around the bush for a while, you might be aware that beets help your body produce a heart-healthy compound called nitric oxide. Here’s how to get the most of it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin duo that beats depression and anxiety: K2 + D3

If you’re living with depression and anxiety, don’t suffer in silence or from the unwanted side effects of prescription antidepressants. Two vitamins have been shown to boost a depressed mood and relieve anxiety — especially when combined. Get your groove back, naturally…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘K’ey nutrient for strong bones when you need them most

Breaking a bone, especially a hip, is a real concern for women as we age. So it stands to reason that if there’s something you can do to help prevent that issue later in life, you’d want to do it. Research says a key factor is a forgotten nutrient that drastically reduces that risk….

Carolyn Gretton

The after-stroke danger to be aware of: ‘Sticky’ blood vessels

It’s well-known that stroke can cause damage to the brain. But once the stroke is treated, it seems logical that the damage would stop there. Unfortunately, researchers have discovered a process deep within your body that can lead to more destruction. But it may be possible to dial it back…

Joyce Hollman

5 factors that increase your fall risk and how to beat them

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, three million seniors are treated in emergency rooms every year for fall-related injuries, and one in five of those falls causes serious injury, usually hip fracture or head injury. But you don’t have to become a statistic…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

When erectile dysfunction is a three-alarm warning for your heart

Erectile dysfunction is a subject most men don’t want to talk about. After all, many men take it as another sign, along with laugh lines and a receding hairline, that they’re just getting older. But if you’re experiencing problems in the bedroom that you’ve been ignoring, the results of a study of over 95,000 men in Australia may be a wake-up call for you…