Carolyn Gretton

DIM: The short answer to a long list of midlife ailments

In our 40s, our list of health concerns begins to grow. It doesn’t take long before that shortlist gets longer and longer. It would be easy to get overwhelmed trying to rein them all in, unless you’re familiar with one powerful phytonutrient that tackles them all, including hormone imbalance, sluggish metabolism, immune health and so much more…

Dr. Mariza Snyder

Top 10 supplements to balance hormones naturally

Your hormones rely on key nutrients to work at their best, and it is virtually impossible to get everything you need through food alone, unless you want to eat 10lbs of broccoli sprouts every day! Let’s take a look at the best and most well-researched supplements for various types of hormonal support!

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The common testosterone thief targeting men and women

Testosterone is the elixir of life, an antidote to some of the worst health issues plaguing us today. You might think it’s just men who need to protect their levels as much as possible. But women need it to… because this testosterone-thief doesn’t discriminate.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Why an amino acid deficiency could lead to diabetes

The rate of diabetes in the U.S. is rising sharply. Lots of reports and research seems to focus on the American lifestyle and the terrible food we eat. So, you can probably imagine how surprised I was to learn a deficiency we hear little about could be partially to blame…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Testosterone therapy may hurt men’s hearts

Testosterone therapy is a rapidly growing market – one that’s expected to hit $1 billion by 2024. In addition to improving sexual health, it can boost a man’s general health. But, just like HRT for women, male testosterone replacement therapy is not without risks…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The best supplements to crank up your husband’s sex drive

Sometimes, as you get older, it can seem like all the fun you used to have in the bedroom is replaced by more sleep and lots of TV time in bed. But, it doesn’t have to be. Despite the fact that 52 percent of men will experience erectile dysfunction, you can crank things up…