
Joyce Hollman

Is your thyroid OK? Check your feet

Low thyroid function is common in women over 60, but it’s often misdiagnosed as menopausal depression and fatigue. But if you’ve not been feeling like yourself and suspect something’s off, check your feet for these telltale signs…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Kick the common cold 3xs faster

Feed a cold, starve a fever… But, is sitting at home eating chicken noodle soup all you can do to get over the common cold? Actually, according to scientific research, there’s something else you can do to up your chances of getting well faster. In fact, you could triple your recovery time…

Carolyn Gretton

How a zinc ‘burst’ activates the immune system

Scientists have long known that people whose zinc levels are too low have few to no infection-fighting T-cells. And their thymus, an immune system organ that generates those T-cells, starts to shrink. When corrected, their thymuses grow and start generating T-cells again. But activation needs a burst…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Can zinc lower blood pressure?

The number one modifiable risk factor for heart disease and premature death is high blood pressure. That means if you can control it, you can greatly lower that risk. Maybe you’ve cut back on salt, started exercising and eating right. But what about your zinc levels?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Lower zinc levels tied to higher risk of death from COVID-19

You may remember an email that went viral at the beginning of the pandemic that was supposedly written by a pathologist. In it, he suggested zinc lozenges could effectively block the coronavirus. Looking at what researchers found months later in those infected by COVID-19, kiss any skepticism goodbye.

Jenny Smiechowski

Can zinc really help protect you from COVID-19?

Around the time COVID-19 started gaining traction in the U.S., an email from pathologist James Robb went viral. One of the first molecular virologists in the world to work on coronaviruses, he recommended zinc lozenges in that email. Here’s what zinc can (and can’t) do for coronaviruses…