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Joyce Hollman

12 surprising ways air conditioning affects us

Whether you have one in your home or not, when it’s hot, most of us certainly wish for one. But air conditioning can be a mixed blessing. In climates that are consistently hot, it can be a lifesaver. But it does have its tradeoffs. Living in a consistently air-conditioned environment can do both good and not-so-good things to your body.

Joyce Hollman

Moderate drinking’s brain-changing effects on the heart

There’s been a lot of conflicting research on the impacts of alcohol on health. But study after study has linked moderate drinking with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. It has to do with a very small part of the brain that has a big job: processing emotions…

Margaret Cantwell

Why GERD, acid reflux and indigestion increase in summer

To maintain good health, your body must constantly manage the delicate balance that keeps pH levels where they should be. The trouble is that some of our vital functions throw that balance off. And summertime is when they can get really out of whack…

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Reduce the travel risks of deep vein thrombosis

As the summer season hits full swing, many people are planning their long-awaited vacations. If you are escaping to a far-away place, however, it’s important to keep in mind the risks involved with long-distance travel, including deep vein thrombosis…

Joyce Hollman

The best workout for better blood sugar control

Diabetics know the right exercise is important for controlling blood sugar. But a newly discovered factor to add to any routine has the highest chance of helping some with type 2 diabetes completely stop their glucose-lowering medications…

Carolyn Gretton

3 reasons to wash your rice: Lead, cadmium and arsenic

I like my rice with a creamy consistency, so I’ve never washed it before cooking. That’s about to change. In the U.S., arsenic levels in rice are sky high (even in instant rice), but it’s not the the only harmful heavy metal you get a serving of when rice is on your plate…

Jenny Smiechowski

6 common sunscreen chemicals aren’t safe even by FDA standards

Sunscreen is so important for protecting yourself from skin cancer and skin aging. There’s no denying that. Heck, I wear sunscreen on my face and neck every day (even in the winter when the likelihood of me getting any sun is pretty slim) for those very reasons. But sunscreen is far from perfect…

Joyce Hollman

The ‘hereditary’ toxicity of chemotherapy

The effectiveness of chemotherapy could be debated all day. But if you weigh surviving cancer against the toxicity of the therapy, you can see why so many go through with it. And why so many look for alternative therapies. But there’s a new consideration for cancer patients who want to be parents…

Carolyn Gretton

The nutrient deficiency driving age-related memory loss

There’s an idea emerging among researchers that the aging brain requires specific nutrients for optimal health, just as the brain of an infant needs certain nutrients for proper development. That’s led them to discover one particular deficiency that drives age-related memory loss…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

8 vitamins for supple summer skin

Between fluctuating hormone levels, falling collagen levels, oxidative stress and the summer sun, your skin could probably use some help repairing itself these days. That’s where these eight skin-saving vitamins come in…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two big reasons you need more vitamin C this summer

Summer is here and that means fun in the sun. Taking vitamins might not be at the top of your list when it comes to summer must-haves, but there are two big reasons vitamin C should be, and one of them is sunburn protection…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

The vitamin everyone needs (especially diabetics) for kidney protection

Protecting your kidneys is critical to a long and healthy life. But did you know one of the most dangerous and prevalent side effects of type 2 diabetes is kidney damage? So in addition to properly managing diabetes, it’s vitally important to be sure you’re not deficient in this one very important vitamin…