Blood vessels

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Reduce the travel risks of deep vein thrombosis

As the summer season hits full swing, many people are planning their long-awaited vacations. If you are escaping to a far-away place, however, it’s important to keep in mind the risks involved with long-distance travel, including deep vein thrombosis…

Joyce Hollman

Laugh away stroke and get happy to lower hypertension

Happiness and laughter do more than make us feel good. These emotions affect our blood vessels and directly impact hypertension risk and heart health. Need proof? See what these studies found out about the emotional connection to these serious health issues…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Women and heart disease: Don’t wait to take it seriously

Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the U.S. That’s still surprising to some, but consider this: the likelihood a woman will die of breast cancer is about 1 in 30. The chance that she will die from heart disease is 1 in 3. That means it’s never too early to take your risks seriously.

William Davis

Nitric oxide: The pathway to better blood vessels, blood pressure and blood flow

Have you heard of nitric oxide? It’s a key biological signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system so important, its discovery earned a Nobel Prize. It helped make a little blue pill famous, but what it can do for blood pressure, blood flow and blood vessels is where NO truly shines…

Carolyn Gretton

Peripheral artery disease: How sleep contributes to the pain in your legs

The most noticeable symptom of peripheral artery disease is pain and cramping caused by poor blood flow to the muscles in the legs. It occurs most often when walking, but you may be surprised how much sleep has to do with it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The stroke risk linked to depression

Depression is considered a serious mood disorder. But there’s a big difference between having a blue mood occasionally and being depressed. It’s not usually something you can just push through, and that’s just one reason to seek help. Another is the increased risk for stroke…