Respiratory Health

Joyce Hollman

12 surprising ways air conditioning affects us

Whether you have one in your home or not, when it’s hot, most of us certainly wish for one. But air conditioning can be a mixed blessing. In climates that are consistently hot, it can be a lifesaver. But it does have its tradeoffs. Living in a consistently air-conditioned environment can do both good and not-so-good things to your body.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The superfood enzyme that ‘dissolves’ sinus pain and pressure

Superfoods get their reputation because they’re nutrient dense and do for your body what it normally takes a variety of other foods (in copious amounts) to do. Or because they contain that “one amazing” ingredient, like the natural answer for your sinus problems…

Joyce Hollman

Watch this toilet plume and you’ll never flush with the lid up again

A toilet plume brings to mind a world of nasty carrying all sorts of germs. But are we getting paranoid about these kinds of things? A video made by engineers shows how far those germ-filled droplets can reach, and it’s shocking…

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising truth about the color of snot

Snot — it’s certainly not something you would discuss at the dinner table. But it’s something we should be more aware of, especially since you can tell a lot about your health, from colds to molds, from what color your mucus is…

Easy Health Options Staff

COPD: What to know about your prematurely aged immune system

COPD is an umbrella term for a group of incurable inflammatory lung disorders. It carries higher risk for other serious conditions such as heart disease, memory loss, stroke or diabetes. But less has been known about its connection to vitamin deficiency and an aged immune system…

Joyce Hollman

A ‘sweet’ solution to antibiotic-resistant lung infections

Manuka honey is the unsung hero of the world of natural remedies. And now it’s one-half of a new treatment to help attack lung infections that otherwise could be lethal. What’s more, it means fewer antibiotics and side effects, too…