Healthy Living – Easy Health Options® Nature & Wellness Made Simple Fri, 23 Jun 2023 17:15:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Healthy Living – Easy Health Options® 32 32 Why GERD, acid reflux and indigestion increase in summer Fri, 23 Jun 2023 17:15:02 +0000 To maintain good health, your body must constantly manage the delicate balance that keeps pH levels where they should be. The trouble is that some of our vital functions throw that balance off. And summertime is when they can get really out of whack...

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If you think back to high school chemistry, you may remember learning about acids and bases, and pH levels.

To stay in good health, your body must constantly manage the delicate balance that keeps pH levels where they should be. The trouble is that some of our vital functions throw that balance off.

And summertime is when they can get really out of whack. In fact, 46 percent of Americans report suffering from heartburn symptoms most in the summertime and that it significantly impacts their ability to enjoy what most of us consider to be the most enjoyable season of the year.

If this sounds like you, here’s some insight into why and how to turn the summer of acid into the summer of fun…

Dehydration and pH imbalance

During the summer it’s not at all uncommon to experience some degree of dehydration.

Have you come inside after spending just a half hour or less watering your shrubs to find you’re a little dizzy or lightheaded?

Maybe several minutes later you begin to experience a mild headache, and then realize you’re feeling fatigued. Those are all signs of mild dehydration.

Your body is signaling that you need to replenish important electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium.

But replenishing those electrolytes does more than help your body use the water you drink to rehydrate. They balance your body’s acid/base (pH) level. Dehydration causes electrolyte imbalances that result in a more acidic blood pH, the last thing you need. 

Hydration and pH are powerful allies against aging and acidity. Water helps maintain pH levels, which in turn aids all bodily functions — including how your body deals with temporary bouts of excess acid when you experience GERD, acid reflux, acid indigestion — but so much more. I’ll explain more about that below…

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At birth your body’s pH is balanced. But starting immediately acid waste builds up and starts to shift your pH level from healthy alkaline to unhealthy acid. If your body is too acidic it provides the right terrain for germs to thrive. To add insult to injury… MORE⟩⟩


Acidic summer foods

Summer is when some of our favorite — and, unfortunately, acidic — foods are plentiful.

Take tomatoes for example. I eat more than my fair share of fresh tomatoes in salads (along with acidic onions) — and, of course, my ultimate guilty favorite, tomato sandwiches slathered in mayo.

But we’re also eating hot dogs and barbecued meats (with acidic and sugary sauces and condiments) more often — and downing them a crisp cold brew or one of those citrusy alcoholic drinks, complete with a tiny umbrella.

Aside from the acidity of the meat and sauces, alcohol has detrimental effects on the acidity in your stomach and your body. But so does another summer favorite: soft drinks.

Every time you eat or drink anything other than water (which has a neutral pH), the pH level in your mouth drops (becomes more acidic). This causes minerals in your tooth enamel to seep out as your body tries to re-establish a balanced pH — and soft drinks are the worst. But with body-wide acidity, the same thing can occur — except then it is the bones that are losing precious minerals.

All of this adds up to more acid in the digestive tract that’s just waiting to splash back up to the esophagus with every bite or sip triggering acid reflux.

Acid indigestion, GERD and reflux are immediate signs of acid overload. But there are times your body doesn’t give you any obvious outward signs. That’s when your health faces even bigger threats…

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Unseen signs and miscellaneous effects of acid overload

About 75 percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Many of us drink acidic, sugary soft drinks, sugary flavored waters and imitation juice drinks, that’ don’t provide the hydration we need.

These acidic drinks and the acidic animal protein-heavy American diet, and even medication (particularly antihistamines), compound this dehydration.

Lack of water — dehydration — creates thirst, fatigue, weakness, pain and loss of appetite and leads to a buildup of toxic acidity.

And that acidity sets off a slow process of decline. So let me explain how that impacts your pH levels…

Your pH (potential of hydrogen) is a reflection of your body’s balance between its alkaline and acidic state. That pH is measured on a logarithmic scale in which 7.0 is neutral. The lower the reading on the scale the more acidic the body is — and the higher the reading, above 7, the more alkaline the body.

When the body maintains a high pH you feel vibrant, at ease and well. However, when the environment of the body is acidic, with a low pH reading, inflammation, pain, disease, and other unhealthful issues arise.

For example, pH can affect the viscosity of blood and that impacts circulation. An acidic body can even lead to depression and obesity because of how the body is hampered in its ability to process nutrients, expel heavy metals and metabolize wastes.

The main point here is that we want our bodies to be in an alkaline state most of the time.

If the summer heat, foods and activities are causing the most obvious symptoms of acid overload to flare up — acid indigestion, reflux and GERD. Take heed. The effects on your body are likely to go much deeper.

You can work at turning things around by eating a diet composed mostly of alkaline-forming foods and by avoiding acid-forming foods as much as possible. Most green vegetables and fruits are alkaline — and most processed foods, packaged and fried foods, and those taken from their natural state are more acidic.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


Regulating your body temperature during summer heat — Michigan State University

Can the Heat Make Heartburn Worse? — Houston Heartburn & Reflux Center

Effect of electrolyzed high-pH alkaline water on blood viscosity in healthy adults. — Jefferson Digital Commons

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The best workout for better blood sugar control Fri, 23 Jun 2023 14:53:18 +0000 Diabetics know the right exercise is important for controlling blood sugar. But a newly discovered factor to add to any routine has the highest chance of helping some with type 2 diabetes completely stop their glucose-lowering medications...

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If you’re living with type 2 diabetes, you know that controlling blood sugar is everything. And you also know that diet and lifestyle choices are crucial to keeping blood sugar under control.

Studies have shown that exercise snacking,” that is, getting your exercise in a little at a time throughout the day, rather than in one marathon session, is better at controlling blood sugar than one marathon session.

But there’s one more consideration anyone with diabetes needs to consider to get the best workout for better blood sugar control…

And that’s the time of day they exercise…

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Afternoon workouts are best for blood sugar control

Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the Joslin Diabetes Center, both affiliated with Harvard Medical School, took a look at whether physical activity at certain times of day was associated with greater improvement in blood glucose control.

They used data from the first and fourth years of the Look AHEAD study, a ten-year study that looked at weight gain among patients with type 2 diabetes.

The researchers analyzed physical activity data from the first and fourth years of the Look AHEAD study, which included data from over 2,400 participants.

Upon examining data from year one, they saw that patients who engaged in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in the afternoon had the greatest reduction in glucose levels.

When they compared this with data from year four,  the group who exercised in the afternoon maintained a reduction in blood glucose levels.

In addition, the group who exercised in the afternoon also had the highest chance of completely stopping their glucose-lowering medications.

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It’s a mouthful, but Phosphatidylserine, or PS for short, is a nootropic that promotes brain health, memory, clarity, reasoning and comprehension. This nutrient is a key building block for the cells in your brain, that scientific literature has shown can… MORE⟩⟩


Be picky about what type of exercise you choose

Not all exercise is helpful when it comes to blood sugar control. Some, including heavy weightlifting, sprints, HIIT and competitive sports can make it harder to manage. These cause the body to produce stress hormones (such as adrenaline).

Adrenaline raises blood glucose levels by stimulating your liver to release glucose. Exercise that’s too hard also makes it harder for your muscles to use insulin.

You’re better off choosing moderate-intensity workouts, doing sit-ups, push-ups and resistance exercises — like weight training with light weights. According to experts, more muscle mass helps the body better handle blood sugar. That’s because working muscle first uses stored sugars and then blood sugars for energy.

Hiking is also a good recommendation because, during longer exercise, muscles take up more glucose.

And if you need another good reason for working out later in the day, here’s more…

Not only does the research we’ve discussed here make it a good choice, but the natural rise in blood glucose that occurs between about 4:00 and 8:00 a.m. (known as the ‘dawn phenomenon’), can send your glucose levels even higher.

Remember, exercise gets harder the less you do, so find something you enjoy that works well for keeping your blood sugar in check — and stick with it.

Never stop taking any medication without consulting with your physician.

Editor’s note: Are you feeling unusually tired? You may think this is normal aging, but the problem could be your master hormone. When it’s not working, your risk of age-related diseases skyrockets. To reset what many call “the trigger for all disease” and live better, longer, click here to discover The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease!


Afternoon exercise linked with greater improvements in blood sugar levels for patients with type 2 diabetes — Eureka Alert

Association of Timing of Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity With Changes in Glycemic Control Over 4 Years in Adults With Type 2 Diabetes From the Look AHEAD Trial — Diabetes Care

Why Does Exercise Sometimes Raise Blood Glucose (Blood Sugar)? — The American Diabetes Association

Exercise and Type 2 diabetes — WebMD

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8 vitamins for supple summer skin Wed, 21 Jun 2023 19:11:34 +0000 Between fluctuating hormone levels, falling collagen levels, oxidative stress and the summer sun, your skin could probably use some help repairing itself these days. That’s where these eight skin-saving vitamins come in...

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As we age, maintaining that same level of dewy, youthful skin can seem impossible.

Between fluctuating hormone levels, falling collagen levels, oxidative stress and the summer sun, your skin could probably use some help repairing itself these days. I know mine surely could…

That’s where these eight skin-supporting and skin-saving vitamins come in.

With the right nutrition and a little supplementing, you can recapture your youthful glow and maintain beautiful, healthy skin for life.

Here’s how to get started…

#1 – Vitamin D

You may not have seen that one coming but the sunshine vitamin is good for absolutely every part of your body, including your skin. That’s because vitamin D is actually a hormone and your skin is super sensitive to hormones.

You’ve probably experienced this phenomenon before when your hormones aren’t balanced and you end up with dry skin and blemishes.

But vitamin D also affords photoprotective properties to your skin, meaning it can help shield skin cells from DNA damage and reduce erythema, reddening of the skin resulting from ultraviolet exposure.

Foods rich in the vitamin include egg yolks, cheese and fish like tuna and mackerel.

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The golden-colored oil of the Nigella sativa plant contains compounds essential for a healthy immune system. That explains why it was documented in the oldest medical writings. But we don’t just rely on history to prove the therapeutic benefit of… MORE⟩⟩


#2 – Vitamin C

Yup, it’s an alphabet soup when it comes to vitamins and we’re on to vitamin C. You see, this nutrient is vital for your skin when it comes to repairing the damage of time and erasing years off your face–all thanks to its antioxidant power. Vitamin C in cosmetics and lotions especially helps to brighten the complexion and guard against the damage caused by U.V. rays.

It also is responsible for forming the collagen that keeps your skin firm and younger-looking and helps maintain healthy blood vessels that flush your cheeks with the glow you want.

Good sources of vitamin C are guava, red and green peppers, strawberries and kiwis.

#3 – Vitamin E

Another damage-reverser, vitamin E is an antioxidant that counters the free radicals that can destroy the collagen in your skin and leave you sagging and wrinkled.

Foods rich in vitamin E are wheat-germ oil, sunflower seeds, almonds and hazelnuts.

#4 – Fish Oil

Omega-3 fatty acids are one the best nutrients you should boost for your skin. That’s because they help nourish your skin and keep it plump and youthful, which can also help to reduce wrinkles and take years off your face.

Good sources of fish oil include cold water, fatty fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, tuna, and my favorite, krill oil (no burps!).

#5 – Biotin

Did you know that if you’re not getting enough biotin (a B vitamin) in your diet it could be the reason behind the dry, flaky patches of eczema on your skin?

Be sure to eat biotin-rich foods like cauliflower, avocadoes, mushrooms, eggs, salmon and sweet potatoes.

#6 – Pantothenic Acid

Also known as vitamin B5 or panthenol, this one will rehydrate your skin in a flash.

That’s because B5 actually prevents water loss from your skin.

You can find vitamin B5 in foods like mushrooms, eggs, beef, chicken and turkey.

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Why do we age? Researchers have an abundance of theories. One particularly strong one is that free radicals, produced by the body’s own processes and by elements in the environment, damage cells and age us before our time. But it’s possible to… MORE⟩⟩


#7 – Niacin

Niacin is also called vitamin B3 and the reason you want it in your life is for its skin-brightening effects and the fact that it’s been scientifically proven to significantly improve the appearance of aged skin.

The highest sources of niacin for your diet can be found in turkey, chicken breast, peanuts, tuna and green peas.

#8 – Vitamin K

You know those dark circles under your eyes? Or, those spider veins?

Well, that’s where vitamin K comes in.

You see, vitamin K helps with the blood vessel problems that cause these issues.

The best foods for getting your vitamin K fix are kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach and asparagus.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


  1. Vitamin D — You and Your Hormones
  2. Vitamin D and Skin Health — Linus Pauling Institute | Oregon State University
  3. The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin HealthNutrients
  4. Oxidative damage to collagenExperientia Supplementum
  5. The Truth About Hair, Skin, and Nail SupplementsConsumer Reports
  6. Topical use of dexpanthenol in skin disordersAmerican Journal of Clinical Dermatology
  7. Niacinamide: A B vitamin that improves aging facial skin appearanceDermatologic Surgery

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Two big reasons you need more vitamin C this summer Wed, 21 Jun 2023 18:22:06 +0000 Summer is here and that means fun in the sun. Taking vitamins might not be at the top of your list when it comes to summer must-haves, but there are two big reasons vitamin C should be, and one of them is sunburn protection...

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Summer is almost here. The days are getting longer and the heat is skyrocketing.

Taking vitamins might not be at the top of your list when you think of ways to stay healthy and cool this summer, but it should be…

Research shows there’s a specific vitamin that is especially important during the long, hot summer days ahead.

I’m talking about vitamin C.

Lots of folks only think about taking vitamin C during the winter months… when they want to boost their immune system and avoid colds, flu and other opportunistic infections.

But taking vitamin C during the summer can make the season safer and the heat bearable in two big ways…

#1 — Vitamin C provides sunburn protection

Taking vitamin C can help protect your skin from those painful and cancer-causing sunburns.

That’s right! Research in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology reported that taking a combination of vitamins C and E daily can help keep you safe.

Here’s how…

The UV radiation that causes sunburns, photoaging (which causes premature aging) and malignant skin tumors, works by causing your skin to produce what’s known as reactive oxygen species, more commonly called free radical damage.

Both vitamins C and E are antioxidants… compounds that can scavenge those free radicals.

Peak ResV+

Why do we age? Researchers have an abundance of theories. One particularly strong one is that free radicals, produced by the body’s own processes and by elements in the environment, damage cells and age us before our time. But it’s possible to… MORE⟩⟩


They were proven to be photoprotective in vitro studies and animal experiments which led researchers to try out the two vitamins in humans to see how they stood up to the UV rays beaming down from above. For their study, they split participants into two groups:

  • One group took 2 mg of vitamin C plus 1,000 IU of vitamin E daily.
  • The other group took a placebo.

Not only did the vitamin group experience fewer problems with sunburn despite UV exposure, but the researchers say that since the group had less sunburn reactivity, they were also likely at far less risk for UV-induced skin damage later.

#2 — Vitamin C keeps you cool

Further research has shown that taking vitamin C could help you stay cool despite the rising temperatures this summer.

One study by researchers at the University of Alabama found that vitamin C actually has the power to delay your sweat gland fatigue. This boosts your heat tolerance and also helps lower your risk of both heat exhaustion and prickly heat rash.

A second study, in the Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiratory, Environmental, and Exercise Physiology, discovered that when you take vitamin C (as little as 250 milligrams), it helps to keep your body temperature from rising despite being exposed to rising heat levels.

All of this makes vitamin C your new best friend for the summer months ahead.

It’s best to take it with meals, and if you live with stomach problems like I do, it’s a good idea to choose one in a buffered form or with rosehips, since they are less irritating to your gastrointestinal system.

I also like to look for a supplement that has all three types of vitamin C’s forms (ascorbic acid, sodium ascorbate, and calcium ascorbate), plus antioxidants to get the most benefit. And, of course, if you’re looking for sun protection, vitamin E can help as well.

Now, you can clearly see why taking vitamin C is one of the best choices you can make for this summer. So, grab a bottle and grab sun and heat protection along with it.

If you need more options, reach for grapes! Pop them in the freezer for a cooling summer snack that packs powerful protection from damaging UV rays.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


  1. Protective effect against sunburn of combined systemic ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and d-alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) — Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
  2. Vitamin C and Tolerance of Heat and Cold: Human Evidence — Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
  3. Effects of plasma ascorbic acid levels on heat acclimatization in man — Journal of Applied Physiology: Respiratory, Environmental, and Exercise Physiology

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Why summer heat is hard on your heart and how to keep cool Wed, 21 Jun 2023 17:11:30 +0000 If you have heart problems, it's important to understand how heat can compound your risks. When your body tries to cool down, the process stresses the heart in several ways, But you can still enjoy summer, keep your cool and stay safe with these tips...

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Summer heat can take a toll on anyone. But if you have heart problems, it’s important to understand how heat can compound your risks for a cardiovascular event.

For starters, the body has to work harder to keep cool. That causes the heart to beat faster adding more stress on the heart.

And while sweating happens to everyone and dehydration is a concern, the body also loses valuable minerals that can further stress the heart.

Then there are the heart-protecting drugs that backfire when it’s hot. ACE inhibitors and calcium channel blockers change the way the body responds to heat, making it even more important to stay hydrated.

So be prepared this summer, know the extent of your risks from the heat, and how to keep your cool…

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    • Burning sensation in your groin
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Heat trends and significant heart risks

Scientists at the Desert Research Institute (DRI), Nevada State College, and the Universidad de Las Americas Puebla studied the relationship between heat wave episodes and heat-related deaths in Las Vegas over a 10-year period.

They chose a city like Las Vegas because urban areas are a particular concern because of several factors that compound the problems of already extreme heat and the risks that come with it, like:

  • The extensive areas of asphalt absorb the heat, creating an urban heat island
  • The populations of cities are growing rapidly, especially for the 55 and older population

The team found that the annual average of severe heat events per year in Las Vegas showed significant increases, from an average of 3.3 events per year from 2007-2009 to 4.7 per year in the 2010-2016 period. The team says that these findings match up with historic trends, which show a steady increase in the severity and frequency of excess heat since 1980.

And, sure enough…

The number of heat-related deaths in Las Vegas went up right along with the rising number of extreme heat events.

“From 2007 to 2016, there have been 437 heat-related deaths in Las Vegas, with the greatest number of those deaths occurring in 2016,” explained Erick Bandala, Ph.D., an assistant research professor at DRI and lead author on the study. “Interestingly, 2016 also shows one of the highest heat index measures over the last 35 years. This shows a clear relationship between increasingly intense heat events in our area and public health effects.”

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They also discovered one more scary fact…

The group most at risk of heat-related deaths includes adults over 50 years old, with a whopping 76 percent of heat-related deaths in individuals in this subpopulation.

Of the deaths in this group, almost all individuals also showed evidence of pre-existing heart disease, demonstrating the dangers of summer heat to your heart.

Previous research published in Circulation demonstrated that extreme temperatures increase the risk of premature cardiovascular death, as well.

Tips to guard your heart against summer heat

To keep your heart healthy during the high temperatures this summer, be sure to:

  • Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of water both before, during and after your time outdoors.
  • Pick the shade – It’s important to stay in shady areas as much as possible or at least take regular breaks to cool off.
  • Dress cool – Pick lightweight, breathable fabrics in light colors to stay cool in the heat. And, don’t forget a lightweight hat.
  • Use cold compresses – If you don’t have access to a fan or air-conditioning, using cold compresses or ice on your forehead and neck can help.
  • Consider supplementing the B vitamin, folic acid. Penn State researchers found it worked well in helping people keep their cool by supporting nitric oxide to increase blood flow to the skin, which combined with sweating, helps to cool the body down.

Summer is here and with the rising temperatures, it’s more important than ever to take steps to guard the health of your heart. Use the tips above to stay safe and beat the summer heat.

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!


  1. Researchers identify link between more frequent, intense heat events and deaths in Las Vegas — EurekAlert!
  2. Protect Your Heart in the Heat — American Heart Association
  3. How to Protect Your Heart From the Heat — Mercy Health

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5 serious conditions that can make you really thirsty Wed, 21 Jun 2023 17:01:00 +0000 Excessive thirst can be a sign of dehydration or overheating. But it can also signal a much more serious health problem. If you’re finding yourself more thirsty than usual, it may have absolutely nothing to do with the summer heat, and everything to do with an underlying condition, like one of these...

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We all know that staying hydrated is important. And it’s never more important than during summer.

Playing sports, gardening or even just sitting in the sun for a while on a humid day can make you sweat. You’re losing water, and that water must be replaced in order to avoid dehydration.

Your body responds to being hot and sweaty by making you thirsty, sending you a clear message to drink some water to replace those fluids.

But there are other reasons you might feel thirsty, and if it seems like you’re always thirsty, no matter how much you drink, this could be the sign of a more serious problem.

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5 illnesses that cause thirst

Never ignore the onset of extreme and unquenchable thirst, especially if it comes along with any other troubling symptoms. It could be due to a more serious condition.

Diabetes. Extreme and constant thirst is often the first sign of diabetes.

When your body doesn’t make enough insulin, or doesn’t use it properly, too much glucose builds up in your body. Glucose in the urine draws in more water, causing you to urinate more frequently. Your body dehydrates, making you thirsty.

Anemia. Anemia means your body doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells, either because too many are being destroyed or lost, or because not enough are being made.

Mild anemia probably won’t make you thirsty, but if it becomes severe, you may find yourself constantly wanting to drink water. You may also feel dizzy and weak, and you may sweat more.

Kidney disease. Damaged kidneys cannot hold on to fluids well, and in order to prevent dehydration, the body prompts you to drink a lot of water.

However, it’s a delicate balance. If you have chronic kidney disease, watch for swelling or an increase in blood pressure, which could indicate that too much water is being retained and placing a strain on your heart.

Thyroid problems. When you produce too little or too much thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), you can experience anxiety, dry mouth and other symptoms that lead to increased thirst.

Diabetes insipidus. The only things this rare condition has in common with Type 1 or 2 diabetes are its name, that they both make you thirsty and that they make you urinate a lot.

In most people, the kidneys pass about a quart or two of urine a day. Someone with diabetes insipidus can pass as much as 20 quarts of “insipid” urine a day, that is, urine that does not look or smell much like urine since they’re basically just eliminating water.

Other things that can make you thirsty

There are personal lifestyle choices and medications that can also cause excessive thirst.

Smoking. Tobacco can affect how much saliva your body makes. You can end up with a dry mouth and a feeling of thirst all the time. Also, smoking can make your saliva thicker and less like water, so it doesn’t do a very good job of keeping your mouth moist.

A low-carb diet. The ultra-low-carb keto diet can make you thirsty since carbs absorb and hold on to water in the body. Without them, you’ll urinate more often, and feel thirsty more often.

Diuretics. Diuretics, or water pills, are frequently prescribed for high blood pressure as well as congestive heart failure. Diuretics are designed to eliminate excess fluid from the body, which they do quite well. But the result, of course, is that you’re thirsty a lot.

The bottom line: Pay attention to your body

Pay attention to the signals your body is sending you.

If you’re thirsty, don’t ignore it. Have a glass of ice water with lemon, or maybe a glass of iced tea. When you’re no longer thirsty, stop drinking. Just like with your appetite for food, don’t force things.

Also, pay close attention to any other changes in your body that accompany thirst, especially if you’re more thirsty than normal. When in doubt, call your doctor.

And as a bonus, here’s a summer-friendly recipe for a fun thirst-quencher. It’s especially geared to people with kidney disease since it helps quench thirst without drinking too much. Anyone can enjoy it. I know I’ll be trying this healthy, thirst-quenching treat, based on my favorite candy, before the summer is out! Enjoy!

Editor’s note: Are you feeling unusually tired? You may think this is normal aging, but the problem could be your master hormone. When it’s not working, your risk of age-related diseases skyrockets. To reset what many call “the trigger for all disease” and live better, longer, click here to discover The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease!


  1. Why am I always thirsty? — Web MD
  2. 10 unexpected reasons why you’re thirsty all the time —
  3. Diabetes insipidus — Web MD
  4. What to know about diuretics —

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Matcha tea: Nature’s antidepressant in a cup Wed, 21 Jun 2023 15:30:39 +0000 It’s not uncommon to feel down on occasion. But persistent feelings of sadness that impact daily life could indicate depression. Even with treatment, up to a third feel left out in the cold. With those odds, it’s helpful to know a warm cup of the right tea could help.

The post Matcha tea: Nature’s antidepressant in a cup appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

It’s not uncommon to feel down on occasion. But persistent feelings of sadness, especially if it impacts daily life, could be an indication of depression.

In the U.S. depression affects one in 10 of us, and it often goes untreated.

One study found among those newly diagnosed with depression, only about a third get treatment. That number dips further among older people. In fact, patients over the age of 60 were half as likely to seek treatment for depression as those under age 44.

But, even with treatment, depression can be a tough nut to crack. Roughly 31 percent of people with depression have either no response or a poor response to medication.

With those odds, it’s helpful to know of complementary or alternative therapies that may help manage depression.

Take green tea, for instance.

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Previous research has found that people who drink four or more cups of green tea daily are 44 percent less likely to have symptoms of depression than those who drink only one cup per day or less.

Another study showed an association between frequent consumption of green tea and a lower prevalence of depressive symptoms in the community-dwelling elderly population.

But to understand how tea could truly affect the brain’s mood center, scientists turned to mice — and what they found is extremely encouraging…

The impact of matcha

Matcha is a powdered form of green tea that has over a thousand more antioxidant levels than its whole-leaf green tea counterparts. When you boil regular green tea, you throw away the leaves, which contain most of the antioxidants. Because matcha uses the entire leaf pulverized into a powder, it contains all of green tea’s antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

How could matcha possibly affect depression? It may come down to matcha’s effect on the brain’s happy chemicals: serotonin and dopamine. Both carry messages between nerve cells in the brain.

Serotonin influences learning, memory, and happiness and regulates body temperature, sleep, sexual behavior and hunger. Dopamine impacts mood and motivation, as well as learning, heart rate, sleep, attention, and pain processing, among other functions.

Experts believe a lack of one or both of these chemical messengers may contribute to depression. For instance, inadequate levels of dopamine can make a person feel less motivated and less interested in life.

In an animal study involving mice, when the researchers examined the mice’s brains, they found that matcha appeared to affect systems of dopamine in stress-sensitive mice. These results suggest that matcha causes an antidepressant-like effect by activating the dopaminergic system in the brain.

The study results also indicate that mental state is an important factor that affects the physiological benefits of matcha since only the mice under high mental stress were impacted, compared to another group of mice.

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The golden-colored oil of the Nigella sativa plant contains compounds essential for a healthy immune system. That explains why it was documented in the oldest medical writings. But we don’t just rely on history to prove the therapeutic benefit of… MORE⟩⟩


Making matcha at home

Other studies on green tea and depression have identified two ingredients potentially responsible for its feel-good effects. One is L-theanine, a calming amino acid known to reduce mental and physical stress and enhance crucial neurotransmitter activity.

The other is a potent antioxidant known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which contributes to an increase in brain alpha wave activity. When you’re in an alpha wave state, you’re awake and alert but relaxed.

You can now buy the tea at many grocery stores or online. Just make sure you get the actual powdered matcha, and that it’s 100 percent matcha with no fillers or sweeteners.

To make matcha, take roughly a quarter teaspoon and put it through a small sifter into your cup. Matcha clumps very easily, so you want to make sure your drink isn’t lumpy.

Next, pour in two ounces of hot (not boiling) water. You want the water to be just below the boiling point. Then you need a whisk to stir it — a fork or spoon won’t mix it enough.

Whisk the matcha vigorously in a zig-zag motion. Don’t do it in a circular motion or you won’t get that foamy top that’s characteristic of good matcha. A bamboo whisk known as a chasen, can make the whisking process easier and more complete.

After the tea has dissolved and a foamy top has appeared, pour in another six ounces of hot water, whisk again until foamy, and serve. Or, if you want to make your own matcha latte, add six ounces of heated milk instead of water.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


Could matcha tea have anti-depressant properties? — Medical News Today

Matcha Tea Powder’s Antidepressant-like Effect through the Activation of the Dopaminergic System in Mice Is Dependent on Social Isolation Stress — Nutrients

Vast Majority of People With Depression Aren’t Getting Treatment, Global Review Finds — Science Alert

Why Are So Many People With Depression Not Getting Treatment? — Forbes

Green tea and coffee consumption is inversely associated with depressive symptoms in a Japanese working population — Public Health Nutrition

Green tea consumption is associated with depressive symptoms in the elderly — The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Matcha 101 – What It Is and How to Use It — Love & Lemons

The post Matcha tea: Nature’s antidepressant in a cup appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

5 reasons mosquitoes love you and how to turn them off Wed, 21 Jun 2023 15:28:14 +0000 Are you a mosquito magnet? Do you wonder why everyone else can enjoy a great summer cookout while you get swarmed by disease-carrying, welt-inducing, blood-sucking insects? Well, it turns out, there are several potential reasons why you could top the mosquitoes’ most desirable list…

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We all love attention. Whether a stranger compliments your eyes, your boss gives you kudos on a job well done, or your friends throw you a surprise party, attention feels good.

But I’ll tell you one type of attention that doesn’t feel good… attention from blood-sucking insects. And for some reason, they seem to pay more attention to me than anyone around me. Do you have the same problem?

I wouldn’t be surprised if you do. Science shows there’s a group of us that have the good fortune of being very attractive to those little buggers. The question is… why are we so lucky?

Why can everyone around us sip their beer, eat their burger throw their frisbee in peace, while we get swarmed by disease-carrying, welt-inducing insects?

Well, it turns out, there are several potential reasons why you could top the mosquitoes’ most desirable list…

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What makes you a mosquito magnet

Research shows that about 20 percent of people are particularly appealing to mosquitoes. And the attraction usually comes down to one of these things:

  1. Blood type. Mosquitoes land on people with type O blood about twice as often as people with type A blood. People with type B blood attract more of the insects than type A people but less than type O people.
  2. A lot of us (around 85 percent) give off a “scent” (really, a chemical signal) that tells mosquitoes our blood type. Those of us who give off this “scent” are more likely to attract mosquitoes no matter what blood type we have.
  3. When you sweat, you release lactic acid, uric acid, and ammonia, which is like putting a mosquito-sized sign on your forehead that says, “Come and get it.” Body heat attracts them, too… another reason they’re more likely to go after you when you’re hot and sweaty.
  4. Studies show that drinking alcohol turns you into mosquito bait. So, if you’re already a mosquito-attracting mama, you may want to pass on the cocktails when you’re sitting outside at dusk.
  5. Carbon dioxide. Maybe you’re a heavy breather. Maybe you’re pregnant. Maybe you’re just a large person. Regardless, you’re giving off more carbon dioxide… which means you’re attracting more mosquitoes. Carbon dioxide helps them hone in on their prey.

How to make yourself less of a mosquito magnet

So, why are you a mosquito magnet? Is it because you like to drink? Because you’re a sweaty Betty? Because you’re pregnant? Because you have type O blood?

Regardless of the reason, you’ll want to protect yourself from mosquitoes since they’re drawn to you like a moth to a flame (or a mosquito to a cocktail-drinking, sweaty, pregnant woman with type O blood).

Like I mentioned earlier, cutting back on the cocktails can reduce your odds of getting bit by mosquitoes.

So, can your clothing choice. Mosquitoes are drawn to dark clothing, so keeping things light can save you from a bite (a motto to remember when you get dressed in the summer).

You can also keep mosquitoes away with natural bug repellents. They’re available online and in health food stores. You can even make your own repellent using essential oils. Some of the most effective oils for keeping mosquitoes at bay are catnip oil, cinnamon oil, and lemon eucalyptus oil.

Editor’s note: Are you feeling unusually tired? You may think this is normal aging, but the problem could be your master hormone. When it’s not working, your risk of age-related diseases skyrockets. To reset what many call “the trigger for all disease” and live better, longer, click here to discover The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease!


  1. Why Mosquitoes Bite Some People and Not Others — TIME
  2. Why Do Mosquitoes Bite Some People More Than Others? —
  3. Landing preference of Aedes albopictus (Diptera: Culicidae) on human skin among ABO blood groups, secretors or nonsecretors, and ABH antigensJournal of Medical Entomology
  4. Heritability of Attractiveness to MosquitoesPLOS ONE
  5. Beer Consumption Increases Human Attractiveness to Malaria MosquitoesPLOS ONE
  6. Alcohol ingestion stimulates mosquito attractionJournal of the American Mosquito Control Association

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Taurine: The anti-aging amino acid Tue, 20 Jun 2023 21:27:06 +0000 Imagine turning up the switch on a natural substance your body produces to avoid the ailments of aging. Wishful thinking? Not with this amino acid's potential to suppress weight gain, increase bone mass, muscle strength and endurance, reduce depression, insulin resistance, DNA damage and more...

The post Taurine: The anti-aging amino acid appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Imagine if we could just “turn up the switch” on a natural substance already being produced by our bodies and avoid the ailments of aging that prevent us from living longer.

What if we could increase our healthspans, which means not just adding years to our lifespans — but healthier ones?

What if we could support and replenish our aging mitochondria so our cells have the energy they need to keep on going — and keep us going?

What a game-changer that would be — as long we could get enough…

Can an amino acid molecule slow aging?

These are the questions that Dr. Vijay Yadav, assistant professor of genetics & development at Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons, had in mind when he launched a study involving dozens of researchers around the world who study aging.

Taurine first hit Dr. Yadav’s radar during previous research into osteoporosis that uncovered taurine’s role in building bone. Other researchers, around the same time, were seeing how taurine impacted immune function, obesity and nervous system functions.

That’s when a lightbulb went off…

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“We realized that if taurine is regulating all these processes that decline with age, maybe taurine levels in the bloodstream affect overall health and lifespan,” Dr. Yadav says.

When the research team analyzed levels of the amino acid in the bloodstream of mice, monkeys and people, they saw something often revealed over and over again in aging research — a deficiency.

Taurine levels had dropped substantially with age. Specifically in people, the taurine levels in 60-year-olds were only about one-third of the levels in 5-year-olds.

“That’s when,” Yadav says, “we started to ask if taurine deficiency is a driver of the aging process, and we set up a large experiment with mice.”

Taurine levels decline with age: what if we raise them?

The study included about 250 14-month-old male and female mice (the equivalent of 45 in human years). The mice were fed an amount of taurine or a control solution daily.

By the end of the experiment, they found taurine had increased the average lifespan of female mice by 12 percent and 10 percent in males. For the mice, that meant three to four extra months — the equivalent of about seven or eight human years.

But what about the impact on the animal’s health?

For that answer, Dr. Yadov looked to other researchers who investigated the effect of supplemented taurine on the health and lifespan of several species…

After measuring various health parameters in mice, they found that at age 2 (60 in human years), animals supplemented with taurine for one year were healthier in almost every way than their untreated counterparts. In fact, the amino acid:

  • Suppressed age-associated weight gain in female mice (even in “menopausal” mice)
  • Increased energy expenditure
  • Increased bone mass
  • Improved muscle endurance and strength
  • Reduced depression-like and anxious behaviors
  • Reduced insulin resistance
  • And promoted a younger-looking immune system

At the cellular level, supplementation:

  • Decreased the number of “zombie cells” (old cells that linger and release harmful substances)
  • Increased survival after telomerase deficiency
  • Increased the number of stem cells present in some tissues (which help repair other cells)
  • Improved the performance of mitochondria
  • Reduced DNA damage
  • And improved the cells‘ ability to sense nutrients

But supplementing isn’t the only way they found we can increase our levels. The researchers measured taurine levels before and after a strenuous cycling workout. They found a significant increase in taurine levels in both seasoned athletes and sedentary people.

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At middle age, you start feeling changes in your body you may chalk up to aging: energy levels hit rock bottom, weight soars, muscles become soft, skin becomes wrinkled and slack and desire tanks. You may feel past your prime — but science says that’s wrong! MORE⟩⟩


Taurine: A natural anti-aging option

Dr. Yadav is quick to point out, however, that “these are associations, which do not establish causation, but the results are consistent with the possibility that taurine deficiency contributes to human aging.”

Randomized clinical trials, considered the gold standard in research, are needed for the definitive answer on taurine’s anti-aging benefits.

“Taurine abundance goes down with age, so restoring taurine to a youthful level in old age may be a promising anti-aging strategy.”

Dr. Bruce Ames, a Senior Scientist with a career spanning seven decades, would likely agree. His “triage theory” argues that, by skimping on inadequate amounts, we’re cheating ourselves of valuable “longevity vitamins” critical to long-term maintenance. He considers taurine one on a list of about 10 he considers valuable longevity nutrients.

Taurine is available in supplement form and is found naturally in foods like eggs, dairy, scallops, tuna, tilapia, octopus, seaweed, chicken, turkey and beef. Adding more of these foods to your diet can only help.

Supplementing taurine in reasonable amounts is safe. But if you have kidney health problems, discuss with your doctor first.

Editor’s note: Are you feeling unusually tired? You may think this is normal aging, but the problem could be your master hormone. When it’s not working, your risk of age-related diseases skyrockets. To reset what many call “the trigger for all disease” and live better, longer, click here to discover The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease!


Taurine may be a key to longer and healthier life — Eureka Alert

Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging — Science

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Why alcohol and summer heat is a recipe for heat stroke Tue, 20 Jun 2023 18:03:57 +0000 While warmer weather makes us want those refreshing-looking cocktails, especially the ones with those adorable little umbrellas, there are some definite hazards to drinking alcohol during the hot summer months. The combination of heat and alcohol in your system has some very dangerous effects on your body.

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Ah, summer! After a long, cold winter, there’s nothing like long, warm days at the beach, around the pool, or just in your own backyard.

For me, the best thing about summer is being able to walk out the door without a sweater or jacket. Just get up, throw on some clothes, and go!

The worst thing, ironically, is the heat. And the humidity. I live for summer, but I’m not really a fan of sweating.

You’ll always find me with a cold drink within arm’s reach. Usually, it’s ice water. But on special occasions, or with friends, it’s a chilled glass of wine.

But if you enjoy a “cold one” (or two) while cooking some grub up on the “barbie,” or if you like to crack open the bottle of wine and watch the sunset at the end of the pier, there are some things you should know…

While warmer weather makes us want those refreshing-looking cocktails — especially the ones with those adorable little umbrellas — there are some definite hazards to drinking alcohol during the hot summer months, no matter how refreshing they may seem.

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What alcohol + heat does to your body

The combination of heat and alcohol in your system has some very definite negative effects on your body…

First, drinking alcohol in the heat means you are losing twice as much liquid as you normally do.

That’s because alcohol is a diuretic. Medications that are diuretics, such as some blood pressure medications, cause the kidneys to release higher-than-usual amounts of water. Alcohol does the same thing.

Combine that with the water you’re already losing from sweating and drinking other fluids becomes crucial.

Second, drinking alcohol during warm weather can really heat your body up, sometimes to dangerous levels.

Alcohol dilates your blood vessels, sending more blood to the surface of the skin, so your body is actually radiating heat.

On top of that, your liver is working overtime to process the alcohol you’re drinking.

Even without alcohol, your liver produces more heat than any other organ. When it has to process a few drinks, it’s heating up even more.

Alcohol and heat stroke

A diuretic does more than eliminate water making you more prone to dehydration. It actually interferes with your body’s ability to regulate its own temperature.

This can result in a state of heat exhaustion, which, if left untreated, can quickly progress to heat stroke, which can be fatal.

Even if you’re a seasoned athlete or a very active person, you’re not immune to heat stroke.

Here’s the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke:

Heat exhaustion often begins with muscle cramping. You’ll feel weak and dizzy and probably have a bad headache. You’ll have a rapid, weak pulse, and you’ll be sweating a lot.

One of the most alarming things about heat stroke is that, rather than excessive sweating, the skin becomes very dry and hot. The person with heat stroke will become confused and agitated, and may have slurred speech and a high fever — we’re talking 104° or higher.

Seizures, coma and death can follow.

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All toxic chemicals disrupt the endocrine system, which negatively impacts your hormones. But toxins don’t just cause hormones to go haywire. They change your metabolism so your body becomes a storage unit for toxin-filled fat cells that… MORE⟩⟩


How to enjoy a drink and avoid heat stroke

The good news is that you can enjoy the occasional cold alcoholic drink during the summer months without falling victim to heat stroke.

Just remember this one vitally important thing: drink water, too. Lots of water.

This seems like common sense, right? But how much water is enough?

Many people think that a glass of water for every glass of alcohol will protect you. But that isn’t really the case…

You’re probably urinating out a third more than the amount of alcohol you’re drinking. So, on a hot day, you’ll need two to three glasses of water for every alcoholic drink, just to break even.

You won’t feel thirsty since you’re already drinking. And don’t be fooled by your urine, either. It will look pale, the way it should when you’re properly hydrated. Except that alcohol isn’t hydrating you, it’s dehydrating you.

You should drink water every 30 minutes or so, while you’re actively drinking alcohol.

Eating salty foods while you drink is another way to hold onto fluids. So, pass the tortilla chips and pretzels, and enjoy some safer summer drinking.

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!


  1. Here’s What Happens To Your Body When You Drink In The Heat — HuffPost
  2. Why do I overheat after drinking alcohol? — Naked Scientists
  3. Heat and alcohol–a dangerous combination — Hazelden

The post Why alcohol and summer heat is a recipe for heat stroke appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Why defeating Alzheimer’s starts in your bedroom Tue, 20 Jun 2023 15:24:22 +0000 Since specific foods offer brain protection, you could say defeating Alzheimer's starts in the kitchen. But there’s another room where you’re likely doing something that increases your sensitivity to oxidative stress and invites damaging plaques and tangles to take up in your brain…

The post Why defeating Alzheimer’s starts in your bedroom appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

The idea that there’s an intimate connection between sleep and Alzheimer’s disease is not a new one.

The amount of sleep disruption that comes with Alzheimer’s generally depends on the stage of the disease.

People in early stages often sleep more than usual or wake up in a disoriented state. As the disease progresses, they may begin sleeping during the day and awaken frequently during the night.

Researchers have been interested in the sleep-dementia connection for quite a while now. They have tried to determine the direction of this relationship: does poor sleep lead to Alzheimer’s or does Alzheimer’s cause sleep disturbances?

The answer, it seems, is both.

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At middle age, you start feeling changes in your body you may chalk up to aging: energy levels hit rock bottom, weight soars, muscles become soft, skin becomes wrinkled and slack and desire tanks. You may feel past your prime — but science says that’s wrong! MORE⟩⟩


How can poor sleep lead to Alzheimer’s?

β-amyloid protein is a metabolic waste product that is found in the fluid between brain cells. In Alzheimer’s disease, beta-amyloid clumps together to form amyloid plaques, which disrupt communication between neurons.

A 2018 study from the National Institutes of Health used PET scans to examine the brains of healthy adults ages 22 to 72. They found that β-amyloid levels increased by five percent after just one night of sleep deprivation.

This increase was concentrated in the thalamus and hippocampus, two brain regions that are especially vulnerable to damage in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition, participants with a larger increase in β-amyloid reported worse moods after being deprived of sleep for 31 hours.

While more studies are needed to identify the precise mechanism that causes the β-amyloid buildup, the researchers feel that their work provides some important insight into how poor sleep can harm the brain.

It works both ways

A study published just this summer approaches the sleep-Alzheimer’s connection from a different angle…

Researchers at Columbia University took a look at the relationship between oxidative stress and poor sleep. They hoped it might shed light on what happens to the brain that’s affected by Alzheimer’s.

Previous studies have shown that oxidative stress comes before the appearance of β-amyloid plaques and tau tangles, the hallmark brain disruptors of Alzheimer’s disease.

In the Columbia study, a mutant form of fruit fly that sleeps less than normal is extremely sensitive to oxidative stress. Even more interesting, increasing sleep also increased resistance to oxidative stress.

More research is needed, but it seems likely that by harnessing sleep as a natural antioxidant, we may be able to slow the processes of developing Alzheimer’s.

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How to get a good night’s sleep

Fortunately, there’s a lot we can do to help ourselves get the restful, reparative sleep we all need.

Here are some great tips to start with from my colleague, Dr. Mark Wiley.

In addition, there are three specific things that interfere with deep, night-long sleep that you can easily fix…

  1. Pink or white noise in your bedroom is proven to induce restful sleep. These low-level, background sounds that often resemble sounds of nature have been proven to positively affect brain waves and allow us to reach REM sleep, where restoration occurs.
  2. A totally dark bedroom is not just a nice thing to have. It’s essential for allowing your body’s day-nigh rhythm, known as its circadian rhythm, to run smoothly and release you into deep sleep when it’s time.
  3. Finally, avoid the worst foods for your brain. Junk foods have been found to interfere with rhythmic electrical signals that occur only during deep sleep — known as “slow waves.” This process triggers slow pulses of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that wash through the brain and remove toxins.

Editor’s note: While you’re doing all the right things to protect your brain as you age, make sure you don’t make the mistake 38 million Americans do every day — by taking a drug that robs them of an essential brain nutrient! Click here to discover the truth about the Cholesterol Super-Brain!


  1. Antioxidant Benefits of Sleep — Neuroscience News
  2. Sleep deprivation increases Alzheimer’s protein — National Institutes of Health
  3. Sleep architecture and the risk of incident dementia in the communityNeurology
  4. β-Amyloid accumulation in the human brain after one night of sleep deprivationProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
  5. Alzheimer Disease and Oxidative StressJournal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology

The post Why defeating Alzheimer’s starts in your bedroom appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Taking charge after a cancer diagnosis Mon, 19 Jun 2023 17:31:34 +0000 Being told you have cancer can be an overwhelming experience. It can be easy to let others lead, however, it is important to advocate for yourself and be an active participant in decisions that involve your care and treatment. These tips can help you take control...

The post Taking charge after a cancer diagnosis appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be a scary and overwhelming experience. It’s important to take time to digest the news but also to move forward on steps to protect your health.

It can be easy to let others lead, however, it is important to advocate for yourself and be an active participant in decisions that involve your care and treatment.

We’ve compiled a list of tips that will help you take control of your health after receiving a cancer diagnosis.

Choose Your Healthcare Professional Wisely

Taking care of your health is essential, especially when it comes to cancer. Be sure to research different types of treatments and doctors so you can find the one that best suits your needs. Ask for referrals from friends and family and read online reviews for further guidance. Having comprehensive knowledge about your options will help you make informed decisions about the best care for you.

Take Charge and Live Healthy

It is important to do whatever you can to stay healthy while undergoing treatment for cancer. Eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly (if possible), getting enough sleep, and managing stress are all ways to help keep your body strong during this difficult time. Additionally, avoiding smoking and other lifestyle habits such as excessive drinking can help reduce the risk of complications during treatment.

Understand Your Insurance Coverage

It is also essential to understand what your insurance will cover when it comes to treating cancer. Research different plans and make sure that you understand which services are covered under each plan so there are no surprises down the line when it comes time to pay medical bills. You may also want to consider researching financial assistance options if your insurance does not cover certain treatments or procedures related to your cancer diagnosis.

Ask Questions or Get a Second Opinion

It’s always good to ask questions and seek a second opinion when it comes to managing cancer. Doing so can help provide peace of mind that the best course of action is being taken and that all available options are considered and explored before making any decisions. Don’t be afraid to ask questions or seek out a different opinion when it comes to taking care of yourself — your health is too important.

Examine Your Medical Bills for Mistakes

Medical bills can be difficult to understand due to the various terms and language used on them. However, it’s essential to take the time and review your bill carefully before making payments. Doing so will ensure that you are not overcharged or accidentally charged incorrectly. With the proper review of your bill, you can avoid any mistakes or coding errors by your healthcare provider during the treatment process.

Locate Support Groups

Cancer can be a very isolating experience. However, connecting with other people who have gone through similar experiences can provide comfort, understanding, and valuable insight into managing one’s own situation. Online or in-person support groups offer an opportunity to connect with others who have had similar journeys and provide advice, input, and shared experiences.

Organize Your Medical Records

Storing medical records electronically as PDFs is a much more secure and efficient option than relying on standard paper systems. Additionally, digital formats ensure that information is kept safely and securely accessible at any time, and there are free tools to help you combine PDF files if necessary.

Receiving a cancer diagnosis doesn’t mean giving up control over your health. In fact, taking control means advocating for yourself in order to receive the best possible care available. Doing research ahead of time, keeping track of all paperwork via PDFs, and seeking out support groups are all key steps anyone facing a new cancer diagnosis should take in order to maintain their health while navigating through this trying period of life.

Editor’s note: Discover how to live a cancer prevention lifestyle — using foods, vitamins, minerals and herbs — as well as little-known therapies allowed in other countries but denied to you by American mainstream medicine. Click here to discover Surviving Cancer! A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis!

The post Taking charge after a cancer diagnosis appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Protecting pets from toxins linked to canine lymphoma Fri, 16 Jun 2023 20:45:52 +0000 Cancer is difficult enough for humans. But when it comes to our dogs, it can be heartbreaking for us. Lymphoma in dogs is similar in many ways to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in humans, including concerns linking exposure to the herbicide glyphosate to the development of cancer.

The post Protecting pets from toxins linked to canine lymphoma appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Cancer is a difficult enough diagnosis for human beings. But when it comes to our beloved pets, it can be heartbreaking for us.

Almost half of dogs over the age of 10 will develop cancer, and the most common form is lymphoma.

Lymphoma in dogs is similar in many ways to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in humans — including the concerns linking exposure to the herbicide glyphosate to the development of cancer.

Here’s what you need to know to protect your pet…

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Canine lymphoma could be linked to environmental toxins

Lymphoma accounts for 15 to 20 percent of new cancer diagnoses in dogs and tends to be most common in middle-aged and older dogs. Several breeds are predisposed to lymphoma, suggesting there may be a genetic component.

But as Dr. Barbara Hodges, program director of advocacy and outreach for the Humane Society Veterinary Medical Association has stated, “Cancer is increasingly common in dogs and disturbingly, canine cancers are occurring at younger ages. A dog who is not a member of a breed linked to a particular cancer is not immune to that cancer — or any other cancer, for that matter.”

One of those breeds, the golden retriever, is the subject of an ongoing study by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Morris Animal Foundation. This study is examining the link between toxins in the environment and the development of canine lymphoma.

Their goals? Early detection and prevention.

Human studies have found connections between lymphoma and environmental toxins like benzene and glyphosate. Some as well have linked glyphosate with lymphoma in dogs.

The University of Wisconsin study will analyze blood and urine samples from 60 participants in the Morris Animal Foundation’s Golden Retriever Lifetime Study that were diagnosed with lymphoma. These dogs will be compared with a control group of 60 healthy dogs from the same study matched by age and sex.

“These data allow us to look at the chemical exposures not only at the time of diagnosis, but a year prior to diagnosis to see whether there is early DNA damage that can be seen in the blood in association with chemical exposures,” says study lead Dr. Lauren Trepanier, professor of internal medicine and assistant dean for clinical and translational research. “This might help us screen high-risk animals or understand the impacts the chemical exposures have on dogs.”

According to Trepanier, available data already suggests that people should avoid using herbicides on their lawns. Scottish terriers exposed to glyphosate-treated lawns were found to have a 7-times higher risk for cancer in a 2013 study.

Trepanier says they hope this new study clarifies some lymphoma risk factors and helps owners minimize their dogs’ exposure to cancer-causing chemicals.

“Through the identification of potential modifiable risk factors for lymphoma in dogs, we hope to make substantial progress in preventing and treating this devastating disease,” she says.

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Keeping your dog toxin-free

It’s a good start to keep your dog away from glyphosate-containing weedkillers — if not all of them. Instead of using commercial herbicides, look for brands with all-natural ingredients. You can even make your own using a recipe like this one.

It can be tough to protect your dog from airborne environmental toxins, especially if you live in an area near factories or heavy traffic. If that’s the case, you may want to feed your dog small amounts of broccoli on occasion. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts contain a chemical that can actually remove air pollutants like benzene and acrolein from the body.

Just be careful not to feed your dog too much of the vegetable. Broccoli contains substances called isothiocyanates that can cause mild to potentially severe gastric irritation in some dogs. As long as you keep your dog’s daily broccoli consumption to less than 10 percent of their food intake, they should be fine.

As for the rest of your dog’s diet, avoid dog foods high in carbohydrates. The glucose from carbohydrates promotes the multiplication of cancer cells. For these reasons, a grain-free dog food, high in protein, and balanced amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids is a good option.

And just as you would with children, avoid exposing pets to cigarette smoke and household chemicals.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


Study aims to uncover link between environmental toxins and lymphoma in dogs — EurekAlert!

Dogs, lawn care and cancer—Humane

Cancer in Pets — American Veterinary Medical Association

Lymphoma in Dogs — VCA Animal Hospitals

How to Make a Homemade Weed Killer — The Native Plant Herald

Can Dogs Eat Broccoli? — American Kennel Club

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Identical twins reveal exercise changes gene expression Fri, 16 Jun 2023 15:13:53 +0000 We all know the drill: get more exercise, have better health. But one thing many of us don't know is how deep the impact of exercise goes. There’s evidence it may not only influence cellular behavior but whether or not genes define your health destiny..

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When it comes to our well-being, exercise is far better than any pill.

Regular exercise has been shown to impact the body on a cellular level. These changes can slow cellular aging and help support good cardiovascular health as well as stave off a host of other conditions, among them fatty liver, Alzheimer’s disease, obesity, depression and sleep apnea.

In fact, there’s evidence that exercise may even influence the way our genes behave…

Scientists have previously observed that despite having the same genes, the majority of identical twins develop different diseases as they age. Epigenetics may be part of the reason why.

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The differences in twins’ epigenomics

Researchers at Washington State University (WSU) examined pairs of identical twins to see what effects consistent exercise had on their epigenomes. These molecular processes are independent of DNA sequence but influence gene expression.

“If genetics and DNA sequence were the only driver for biology, then essentially twins should have the same diseases,” says Michael Skinner, WSU biologist and the study’s corresponding author. “But they don’t. So that means there has to be an environmental impact on the twins that is driving the development of disease.”

According to the study results, the more physically active sibling in each identical twin pair had epigenetic markers linked to reduced metabolic syndrome, a condition that can lead to heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

This suggests that how a person interacts with their environment strongly influences markers of metabolic disease — as opposed to just their inherited genetics calling the shots. What this means is consistent exercise may not only shrink the waistline — but could change the very molecules that influence how genes behave in the body.

“The findings provide a molecular mechanism for the link between physical activity and metabolic disease,” Skinner says. “Physical exercise is known to reduce the susceptibility to obesity, but now it looks like exercise through epigenetics is affecting a lot of cell types, many of them involved in metabolic disease.”

When collecting data on the twins from 2012 to 2019, the researchers found many of the twin pairs differed from each other on measures of physical activity, neighborhood walkability and BMI. Their cheek swabs also revealed epigenetic differences, with the more physically active twin (exercising more than 150 minutes a week) having alterations in areas called DNA methylation regions. These areas correlated with lower BMI and reduced waist size.

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You probably already know how important omega-3s are to support heart and brain health. But there are five reasons you may be getting yours from a less than adequate source, starting with a powerful antioxidant that delivers DHA into your brain cells… MORE⟩⟩


Our genes don’t have to define us

The upshot of these results is that our genes don’t have to define our health. Even if we’re genetically predisposed to certain conditions, like heart disease or type 2 diabetes, we can take actions that will help offset those genetic risks.

All the more reason to exercise regularly.

It’s true that certain types of exercise, like weight training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT), have greater health benefits than a simple daily walk. But if you’re starting from zero, any regular activity will help put you on the path to better health.

One great way to get started is with “activity snacks.” These can easily be tailored to your daily schedule and can be done without special equipment or access to a gym. And it’s easy to ramp up the intensity of the exercises as you progress.

Whatever type of exercise you choose to do, the key is to make it consistent. Ten minutes of exercise done every day will get you better results than an hour spent at the gym every couple of weeks or so.

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!


Twin study links exercise to beneficial epigenetic changes — Washington State University

Epigenome-wide association study of physical activity and physiological parameters in discordant monozygotic twins — Scientific Reports

The Effects of Physical Activity on a Cellular Level — ActiGraph

How Diet Can Change Your DNA — Scientific American

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How leaky gut leads to weight gain Thu, 15 Jun 2023 21:20:57 +0000 Digestive troubles are so common, we pay them little mind. But the condition that allows bacterial toxins to leak into the bloodstream causes bigger problems: A cycle of weight gain and the inability to lose weight, by changing how the body metabolizes fat.

The post How leaky gut leads to weight gain appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Bacteria in your gut? A good thing?

Absolutely. If they stay where they belong.

But when leaky gut syndrome exists, those bacteria and their toxins escape into your bloodstream, where they do not belong, and wreak havoc.

They can cause chronic bloating, headache, indigestion, diarrhea and nausea, as well as more severe conditions, such as irritable bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

What’s more, researchers have discovered they kickstart a vicious cycle of obesity by interfering with the metabolism of fat cells.

Here’s how that happens, and what you can do about it…

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White fat vs. brown fat

To understand how this vicious cycle works, you’ll need to understand the difference between two types of fat we carry in our bodies.

There’s white fat. That’s the kind your body stores that shows up in bulges around your belly, hips, and thighs. That’s the kind of fat we don’t want.

Then, there’s our hero: brown fat.

Brown fat (the kind you want) helps burn off the calories we eat each day.

Browning is the process that turns white fat into brown fat and can be stimulated by exercise, exposure to cold and calorie restriction.

How leaky gut starts the obesity cycle

An international group of researchers took a look at how weight is affected when substances called endotoxins are released into the blood.

Endotoxins are found within the walls of bacteria. They are a normal part of the digestive tract, and their function is to trigger inflammation when an infection is present.

But when a leaky gut allows endotoxins to escape the gut and enter the bloodstream, it interferes with the normal functioning of fat cells. Specifically, it slows or stops the browning process, which is crucial to reducing the amount of stored fat and maintaining a healthy weight.

And since obese people already have less resilient guts, endotoxins have more chance of escaping into the bloodstream.

And so the cycle goes.

But if you can work to prevent leaky gut and keep endotoxins out of your blood, you’ve already won half the battle.

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At birth your body’s pH is balanced. But starting immediately acid waste builds up and starts to shift your pH level from healthy alkaline to unhealthy acid. If your body is too acidic it provides the right terrain for germs to thrive. To add insult to injury… MORE⟩⟩


How to help a leaky gut

A leaky gut leaks because damage to the lining has made it more permeable. Normally the junctures are just tight enough to allow nutrients to be absorbed and passed into the body, but keep bacteria and waste inside the intestinal walls until they exit the body.

If you’re not sure if you’re affected by leaky gut, first familiarize yourself with the most common symptoms.

Studies have shown that what you eat, and what you don’t eat, are keys to keeping the gut in healthy shape.

One of the most powerful foods to do just that is broccoli. In studies with mice, it was found to contain molecules involved in signaling cells in the intestines to halt inflammatory processes and repair damaged cells. That process helps keep the gut lining intact.

Next are polyphenols, natural antioxidants found in a variety of foods like apples, berries and green tea. In the gut, they increase helpful bacteria, reduce harmful bacteria, and prevent damaging inflammation. A recent study found that eating foods rich in polyphenols increased products of cell metabolism that improve the health of the gut and decreased those that cause intestinal permeability.

Certain supplements can also help.

Now, the foods you want to eat much less of include processed junk foods because they contain refined oils, added sugars and artificial sweeteners — and are considered inflammatory. They also contain gluten — which can aggravate digestive symptoms.

A whole foods diet, like the Mediterranean diet, is probably the best way to ensure foods that can promote weight loss and a healthy gut — which is ultimately the best way to keep your gut in shape and break the cycle.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


Toxic Fragments of Bacteria Leaking From The Gut May Drive Weight Gain — Science Alert

The impact of metabolic endotoxaemia on the browning process in human adipocytes — BMC Medicine

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Alcohol and aging add up to accelerated muscle loss Wed, 14 Jun 2023 21:22:34 +0000 There’s a lot of conflicting information as to whether moderate drinking can impact health in a good way or if it's all bad. But one thing most researchers agree on is that crossing the line can lead to heart problems, dementia, cancer — and this scourge of aging…

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To drink or not to drink?

Thanks to the contradictory research on alcohol and health, it’s a question that’s stumped a lot of us in recent years.

On the plus side, moderate drinking of alcohol (especially wine) has been linked to lower risk of heart failure and diabetes and a healthier gut microbiome.

But on the minus side, alcohol consumption is associated with higher risk of atrial fibrillation, dementia, and seven different types of cancer.

Now, add to that list another condition that can increase your risk of frailty later in life…

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Alcohol can accelerate muscle loss

A U.K. research team took a look at data from nearly 200,000 participants in the UK Biobank between the ages of 37 and 73 years, with most in their 50s and 60s. The researchers studied how much alcohol these participants were drinking and compared it with how much muscle they had.

“Alcohol intake is a major modifiable risk factor for many diseases, so we wanted to find out more about the relationship between drinking and muscle health as we age,” says Professor Ailsa Welch of the University of East Anglia.

Because larger people have more muscle mass, the researchers scaled for body size. They also took into account factors that could influence muscle size, such as protein consumption and physical activity.

When taking all these factors into account, the team found that those who drank a lot of alcohol had a lower amount of skeletal muscle, a condition known as sarcopenia, than those who drank less.

“We saw that it really became a problem when people were drinking 10 or more units a day — which is the equivalent of about a bottle of wine or four or five pints,” says Dr. Jane Skinner of the University of East Anglia.

Skinner adds that because alcohol consumption and muscle mass were measured in people at the same time, the researchers can’t be sure of a causal link. Still, the results indicate it might be a good idea to cut back on the booze.

“We know that losing muscle as we age leads to problems with weakness and frailty, so this suggests another reason to avoid drinking high amounts of alcohol routinely in middle and early older age,” Welch says.

The scourge of sarcopenia

Why is maintaining muscle mass as you get older so important? It helps you avoid a condition known as sarcopenia.

This age-related muscle loss puts you at higher risk of falls and loss of mobility, not to mention the following health complications:

  • Diabetes — Less muscle means your body burns less glucose, making it harder to control blood sugar.
  • Osteoporosis — Research indicates sarcopenia can triple your risk for this bone loss condition.
  • Dementia — One study shows people with sarcopenia were six times more likely to have cognitive impairment than those without sarcopenia.
  • Heart disease — Sarcopenia is linked to a stunning 77 percent increase in cardiovascular disease risk, which could be related to the lack of activity it causes.

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Why do we age? Researchers have an abundance of theories. One particularly strong one is that free radicals, produced by the body’s own processes and by elements in the environment, damage cells and age us before our time. But it’s possible to… MORE⟩⟩


Who drinks that much?

It’s worth noting that a lot of alcohol’s bad effects are directly linked to how much you drink — the heavier the consumption, the worse your health risks.

Still, how many people drink the equivalent of a bottle of wine in one sitting? You’d be surprised…

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates about 39 million adults in the U.S. drink too much. They define “too much” as follows:

  • For men, binge drinking (5 or more drinks consumed within 2 to 3 hours)
  • For women, binge drinking (4 or more drinks consumed within 2 to 3 hours)
  • For men, 15 or more drinks on average per week
  • For women, 8 or more drinks on average per week

By these standards, it’s best to keep alcohol consumption to a maximum of one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men — and perhaps better to choose resveratrol-rich red wine or lager over hard liquor.


Heavy drinkers risk muscle loss, new study finds — EurekAlert!

About 38 Million Adults in the US Drink Too Much — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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How junk food interferes with brain-cleaning deep sleep Wed, 14 Jun 2023 19:34:19 +0000 Have you gone to bed too soon after a slice of pizza, only to toss and turn with indigestion? Junk food can do far worse. It appears to be a culprit in altering slow-wave brain activity essential to the deep restorative sleep that "cleans" toxins from your brain...

The post How junk food interferes with brain-cleaning deep sleep appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Making up for too little sleep by slugging coffee and energy drinks may get you through the day, but in the long run sets you up for disease.

That’s because it interrupts your circadian rhythm, the natural sleep cycle that assures you get an adequate amount of deep sleep.

Without enough hours of deep sleep to “wash” your brain each night, you are a sitting duck for Alzheimer’s disease, heart problems, and stroke.

Many things can interfere with deep sleep. And you might not be all that surprised about junk food being one of them. Maybe you’ve gone to bed too soon after a couple of slices of pizza, only to toss and turn with indigestion.

But junk foods’ effects on deep sleep go much deeper… In fact, junk food appears to be a major culprit in altering slow-wave brain activity essential to deep restorative sleep.

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The importance of deep sleep

Deep sleep actually “washes” your brain.

Research has shown that rhythmic electrical signals that occur only during deep sleep — known as “slow waves” — trigger slow pulses of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that wash through the brain and remove toxins.

It’s already known that people with Alzheimer’s have less slow-wave brain activity going on, so there’s less chance for waves of CSF to remove amyloid plaque, the brain toxin most associated with Alzheimer’s.

That’s exactly why how you sleep may be the strongest predictor and deterrent to Alzheimer’s.

Proof that junk food steals deep sleep

Recently, researchers at Uppsala University investigated how junk food affects sleep.

Past studies have shown that what we eat is associated with changes in our sleep. But these researchers realized that few studies have investigated how diet itself directly impacts sleep.

They decided the best way to do that was to have participants eat different diets, in a randomized order.

Only fifteen participants were involved since the study required several days of close monitoring in a sleep laboratory.

All participants were given both a healthy and an unhealthy diet. The two diets contained the same number of calories, but the unhealthy diet contained a lot of sugar, saturated fat and processed food items.

Each diet was consumed for a week. After each week, participants were examined in a sleep laboratory.

The two diets didn’t affect the amount of time each participant slept. But did impact their deep sleep.

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Dr. Jonathan Cedernaes, Associate Professor in Medical Cell Biology at Uppsala University, explains…

“Intriguingly, we saw that deep sleep exhibited less slow-wave activity when the participants had eaten junk food, compared with consumption of healthier food. This effect also lasted into a second night, once we had switched the participants to an identical diet. Essentially, the unhealthy diet resulted in shallower deep sleep.

“Of note, similar changes in sleep occur with aging and in conditions such as insomnia. It can be hypothesized, from a sleep perspective, that greater importance should potentially be attached to diet in such conditions.”

Keep your slow-wave brain activity up

So how do you keep deep sleep and that essential slow-wave brain activity coming?

Well, the first obvious step would be to eat less junk food. Here are a few other tips to try…

  • Research has found that listening to pink noise while sleeping can help older adults attain slow-wave sleep.
  • Get enough vitamin D so your body can produce useful amounts of melatonin, the sleep hormone.
  • Try a sleep diet.
  • Don’t drink coffee, black tea or other caffeinated drinks after dinner (if you’re really sensitive, like I am, avoid them from early afternoon on).
  • Do your exercising during the day, not at night.
  • Try and keep a regular bedtime as much as possible.
  • Don’t use your computer or cellphone within two hours of bedtime.

Editor’s note: While you’re doing all the right things to protect your brain as you age, make sure you don’t make the mistake 38 million Americans do every day — by taking a drug that robs them of an essential brain nutrient! Click here to discover the truth about the Cholesterol Super-Brain!


Junk food may impair our deep sleep — Science Daily

Exposure to a more unhealthy diet impacts sleep microstructure during normal sleep and recovery sleep: A randomized trial — Obesity

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Nature’s Ozempic? Berberine’s impact on blood sugar and weight loss Mon, 12 Jun 2023 15:26:45 +0000 Berberine is a natural plant compound found in the barberry and goldenseal plants that, in study after study, has been shown to improve blood sugar, cholesterol and even weight loss efforts. Here’s all you need to know...

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Diabetes and weight problems often go hand in hand. They also typically lead to other metabolic disorders that can quickly send a person’s health down a long and unpleasant road.

So for these reasons, it’s easy to understand the hype that came about when the diabetes drug Ozempic and its off-label version geared toward weight loss, Wegovy, proved successful for many people.

It seemed that the “magic pill” of our wildest dreams, that could make managing diabetes and weight loss effortless, was finally here.

But, as with most things that sound too good to be true, we learned about alarming side effects and insane medication costs that were not always covered by insurance.

Over the past dozen years or so, research has been ongoing into a natural, plant-based compound that appears to have the ability to support blood sugar metabolism and other health benefits as well — including promising studies on weight loss — all without the side effects of medication.

Most recently, it’s been referred to as “nature’s Ozempic.” Here’s what we know about berberine…

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The thyroid’s main job is to make hormones that regulate the heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, muscles and every other organ and tissue. But to function properly, it needs an adequate supply of iodine — something that gets harder to metabolize with age. That’s why… MORE⟩⟩


Is this Traditional Chinese Medicine Nature’s Ozempic?

For more than 10 years now, science has been investigating how natural chemicals from the barberry plant can help control type 2 diabetes.

Specifically, a phytochemical (natural plant compound) called berberine seems to be doing the trick.

Berberine is also found in the perennial flower known as goldenseal, and other plants including Oregon grape and tree turmeric. In most of these plants, the compound is concentrated in the root or stem.

It’s been used in traditional Chinese medicine for a long time as an anti-inflammatory agent. It may also help prevent fatty liver disease, bacterial infections and lower your risk of heart disease.

An examination of data from a number of independent studies (known as a meta-analysis) was conducted by researchers at Iranian and British universities and found that supplementing with barberry can indeed decrease insulin levels.

Seven studies that included 452 subjects were included in the review. The analysis showed that barberry significantly reduces insulin levels. And lowering insulin is the first important step to preventing type 2 diabetes.

Hyperinsulinemia (higher-than-normal insulin levels) is a sign of insulin resistance, where your pancreas is working overtime to secrete insulin because your body is not responding to it. Left untreated, this will lead to type 2 diabetes.

Glucose and cholesterol improve with berberine

Two earlier studies had already shown the effectiveness of berberine supplements in preventing diabetes.

In 2008, a Chinese study examined a group of subjects with diabetes and dyslipidemia.

Many people who are diabetic or prediabetic also have the triple whammy of dyslipidemia: good cholesterol (HDL) is low, bad cholesterol (LDL) is high, and triglycerides are high.

In the Chinese study, 116 patients were given either 1g of berberine daily or a placebo for a period of three months.

In the berberine group, fasting glucose levels decreased from 7mm/liter to 5.6mm/liter, and triglycerides dropped from 2.51mm/liter to 1.10mm/liter. The placebo group showed significantly poorer results.

Together with lifestyle changes, berberine proved effective in controlling blood sugar

In a 2012 meta-analysis, four researchers from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in China reviewed data from 14 randomized trials that included 1068 subjects.

While berberine did not control blood sugar any better than oral diabetes medications like metformin, it did have some effectiveness against dyslipidemia.

However, when combined with lifestyle changes to prevent diabetes, berberine proved more effective in controlling blood sugar than metformin or similar drugs when combined with the same lifestyle changes.

You may be surprised to learn though that berberine isn’t the only plant substance that gives metformin some competition. Be sure to check out what my colleague wrote about the diabetes spice that improved glucose tolerance as efficiently as metformin while showing no significant adverse effects.

Berberine and weight management

Some research in animals and humans indicates berberine may be helpful for weight loss.

Berberine reduced weight gain and food intake in mice with high-fat diet-induced obesity while having no effects on mice on a normal diet.

In a 12-week study involving people with obesity, taking 500 mg of berberine three times a day resulted in an average 5-pound weight loss.

A study has also shown that berberine may help activate metabolism and increase brown fat in the body. Brown fat cranks up your energy burn, which has the potential to crank up your fat burn with it.

According to Medical News Today, Berberine appears to activate AMP-activated protein kinase, which can help regulate how the body uses blood sugar. Researchers believe this activation can help treat diabetes and related health issues, such as obesity and high cholesterol.

Berberine isn’t the only plant compound we’ve written about that appears to enhance the activation of energy regulator AMPK to boost metabolism.

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Supplementing berberine

Berberine supplements are available online or through your health food store. It’s always wise to choose supplements from a trusted brand and follow their guidelines on serving amount. Also check the product label for third-party certification, for example, from the National Science Foundation (NSF)

Although berberine is not known for troublesome side effects (other than digestive issues for some people) you should talk with your doctor if you’re taking any medications, especially those that already lower your blood sugar.

Berberine can interact with metformin and affect blood sugar levels, making them harder to manage. 

Whether it could be called nature’s Ozempic may be debated. It works differently because it is obviously not a drug.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


  1. Berberine in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis — National Center for Biotechnology Information (ncbi)
  2. The effect of barberry (Berberis vulgaris L.) on glycemic indices: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials — Science Direct
  3. Berberine – A Powerful Supplement With Many Benefits — Healthline
  4. Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and Dyslipidemia with the Natural Plant Alkaloid Berberine — The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
  5. Berberine — Medical News Today
  6. Berberine is a potential therapeutic agent for metabolic syndrome via brown adipose tissue activation and metabolism regulation — National Library of Medicine
  7. National Diabetes Statistics Report — CDC

The post Nature’s Ozempic? Berberine’s impact on blood sugar and weight loss appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

What are your health risks from the Canadian wildfires? Fri, 09 Jun 2023 15:40:16 +0000 Raging wildfires in Canada are causing major headaches and dangerous breathing conditions for parts of the U.S., reaching as far south as Georgia. Fine particulate air matter from wildfires is among the most toxic and passes to your lungs quckly and easily. But the biggest concern is the threat to heart health...

The post What are your health risks from the Canadian wildfires? appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Raging wildfires in Canada are causing some major headaches for some parts of the United States.

Major metro areas, such as New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., are experiencing very unhealthy air quality advisories — while some of the smoke has drifted as far south as Georgia, but only affecting the Metro Atlanta Air Quality to a “moderate” degree.

Depending on where you live, you may be wondering how the poor air quality may affect you.

First of all, it’s important to understand the risks from air pollution, especially exposure to what’s known as fine particulate air matter, which includes pollution carried on the wind and can include dust and soil, both capable of containing various types of toxins.

However, it’s even more concerning when it relates to smoke from wildfires. The reason?

It’s been found to be among the most toxic to people compared to fine particle air matter exposure from other sources.

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Fine particulate air matter affects the cardiovascular system

There are different types of air pollution and they are categorized often by size. They are made up of particulates — atmospheric aerosol particles or particulate matter.

Sources of these particulates can be natural or man-made chemicals (in cases of fires, you often get a little of both). PM2.5 is so fine you never even know you’re inhaling it.

In previous research on non-smoking healthy individuals, researchers exposed them to concentrated ambient particulate matter for two hours. The result was a decrease in heart rate variability, along with increased lymphocyte and white blood cell levels.

Increases in white blood cell and lymphocyte levels are signs of increased inflammation in the body, which means the immune system is rapidly activated to fight the incoming stimulus. Decreased heart rate variability is a sign of autonomic nervous system dysfunction — the part of the nervous system that controls the cardiovascular system.

Quite surprisingly, these inhaled particles have acute effects on the cardiovascular system that could lead to a pollution-triggered heart attack.

According to a Journal of the American Heart Association Report, researchers examined cardiac arrests during 14 wildfire-affected counties in California between 2015 and 2017. They found that out-of-hospital cardiac arrests:

  • increased on days rated as heavy smoke density and for several days afterward, with the highest risk (70% higher than on days with no smoke) on the second day after smoke exposure;
  • increased among both men and women and in people aged 35 and older exposed to heavy smoke; and
  • increased in communities with lower socioeconomic status (20% or more people living below the poverty line) with both medium and heavy smoke exposure.

According to Ana G. Rappold, Ph.D., a research scientist at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Center for Public Health and Environmental Assessment in the Office of Research and Development, “Particulate matter from smoke that is inhaled can penetrate deeply into the lungs, and very small particles may cross into the bloodstream. These particles can create an inflammatory reaction in the lungs and throughout the body. The body’s defense system may react to activate the fight-or-flight system, increasing heart rate, constricting blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. These changes can lead to disturbances in the heart’s normal rhythm, blockages in blood vessels and other effects creating conditions that could lead to cardiac arrest.”

Protection from particulate air matter

In areas hardest hit by the air pollution from the Canadian wildfires, public health officials are warning older people and those with heart or breathing problems to stay inside — or at the least wear a mask if they must venture out. N95 masks are the most effective.

Even if you live in areas, not as heavily affected and have heart or issues like asthma or COPD, it would be wise to stay inside till of this literally blows over.

But you should know, wildfires or none, living near low levels of air pollution for a handful of years makes serious structural changes to your heart… even if you’re relatively young and healthy.

If you have access to an air purifier or can have someone deliver one to you, strongly consider it as an option. It’s also a good idea to install an indoor HEPA air filter in your HVAC return to minimize the particulates in the air of your home — or add houseplants that can improve your indoor air.

Now would also be a good time to consider supplementing B vitamins…

Research by Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, individuals who were exposed to the same amount of pollution but were given B vitamin supplements for four weeks afterward, were able to almost completely reverse the pollution damage caused to their immune and cardiovascular systems.

In fact, B vitamin supplementation appeared to show incredible opposition…

  • A 150 percent reduction in the particulate matter’s effects on heart rate
  • A 139 percent reduced effect on white blood cell count
  • And a 106 percent reduced effect on lymphocyte count

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!

The post What are your health risks from the Canadian wildfires? appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Tips to treat and avoid the fungus among us Fri, 09 Jun 2023 13:16:05 +0000 We all have yeast on our skin, and for the most part you never know it’s there. But when you do, it’s quite annoying, itchy and uncomfortable. Some can be downright dangerous. So how can you avoid a yeast or fungal infection especially during the summer months?

The post Tips to treat and avoid the fungus among us appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

We all have yeast on our skin, and for the most part, we never know it’s there…

But when we do, it’s quite annoying, itchy and uncomfortable. Some can be downright deadly. So how can you avoid a yeast or fungal infection?

First, you need to understand how they develop. Yeast (single cells) will proliferate into a fungal (long chains of yeast) skin rash when you have excessive and localized skin moisture or sweating. That’s why you see more fungal infections occurring during the hot and humid summer months, especially ringworm, jock itch and athlete’s foot.

With summer practically here you may need to take extra steps to keep problem areas dry. Don’t hang out in a wet bathing suit longer than needed, and don’t forget to dry all the nooks and crannies well after bathing.

But there are a few other things that increase your risk for a fungal infection, including:

  • An imbalance in your skin’s pH level due to something you are eating, medication you are taking or excessive stressors (mental, emotional, physical)
  • Consuming high amounts of simple carbohydrates (refined sugar feeds yeast)
  • A repeated mechanical skin injury (e.g. chaffing, rubbing)
  • A food sensitivity (e.g. gluten in wheat, rye, spelt, triticale)
  • A sensitivity to something your skin is coming in contact with, like a topical ingredient (lotions, soap, perfume, cleansers, etc.)

There’s also some misunderstanding surrounding some fungal infections. Hopefully, you already know that “ringworm” (tinea corporis) is definitely not a worm; it’s just a common fungal infection that manifests as a pink, itchy, circular rash on your trunk or extremity skin. There is one other common “tinea” called pityriasis versicolor that also affects the skin.

Other body areas that are common places for fungal infections include feet (athlete’s foot), the groin (jock itch), scalp/beard area (tinea capitis/barbae), the vagina (yeast), mouth (thrush) and nails (onychomycosis).

Fortunately, skin fungal infections are easy to diagnose and treat…

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Treatment for fungal infections

Skin and nail fungal infections come in about 40 species. The most common ones are Trichophyton, Microsporum, and Epidermophyton which are easy to detect and treat.

Prescription treatment is pretty simple:

  • Skin areas: Nizoral (ketoconazole) 2% cream applied twice daily for 2 weeks
  • Nails: Lamisil (terbinafine) 250 mg pill taken daily for 3 months
  • Mouth: nystatin oral suspension several times daily for 1-2 weeks
  • Vagina: Diflucan (fluconazole) 150 mg pill taken every other day for 3 days
  • Pityriasis Versicolor, typically on the trunk of the body or shoulders: topical selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, or pyrithione zinc

But if you’d prefer to try the natural route before resorting to pharmaceuticals, apple cider vinegar has a strong reputation as a fungal eradicator because of its antimicrobial properties. It’s mildly acidic, so depending on where your infection is, you might want to do a dab test first to test for skin sensitivity. You can dilute it a little with water, but of course that could cut down on its effectiveness. To be effective you would need to apply apple cider vinegar at least three times a day for several days.

Other natural remedies reported to be effective against fungal infections include plain yogurt, coconut oil and some essential oils such as tea tree oil, olive leaf extract and lavender oil.

Systemic infections

Most often, fungal infections are localized, affecting a specific body part or area. But a systemic infection is one that may affect many areas of the body, including internal organs and systems. Candida albicans, the yeast most commonly found on (and in) humans, has proven to be especially dangerous in this respect.

Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogen that is the 4th leading cause of hospital-acquired infections. In this environment, it can become a serious infection of the blood, heart, brain, eyes, bones, etc. In this context, candidemia (candida in the bloodstream) is a life-threatening infection and commonly results in costly, long hospital stays with poor outcomes. For example, among 529 infected patients, death attributable to candidemia ranged between 19% and 24%. Treatment consists of aggressive IV antifungal medications and close monitoring.

Some common medications can upset your body’s pH and make your body ripe for candida to flourish, most notably broad-spectrum antibiotics and oral corticosteroids. An overabundance of sugar in your diet can also be problematic, leading to chronic candida.

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Chronic candida is a similar infection, in that its symptoms are systematic. But while certainly capable of dragging your health down and being responsible for myriad non-descript symptoms, it’s not often as severe, though recent research may link chronic candida with schizophrenia.

Chronic candida usually begins when candida overproduces in the digestive tract where it breaks down the intestinal lining so that large proteins can abnormally penetrate your bloodstream (this is known as Leaky Gut). This is mainly due to chronic unhealthy foods (refined sugars), medications (antibiotics, corticosteroids), diabetes or a weakened immune system. Any of these factors contribute to an environment perfect for candida to overpopulate.

Symptoms may be as simple as sugar cravings or new food sensitivities to dairy, eggs, corn or gluten. Or they may be more specific such as fatigue, mood disorder, recurring sinus or urinary infections, IBS or “brain fog.”

Treatment consists of a 3-7 day “candida cleanse.” This cleanse consists of:

  • The “candida diet”: Eliminate simple sugar and foods that are rapidly broken down into sugars. Avoid gluten. Also avoid fermented foods because most are yeast-containing and you are trying to cut down on an overgrowth. Once the gut is in balance, fermented foods may slowly be reintroduced if tolerated.
  • Probiotic supplementation.
  • Bentonite clay, to bind and remove intestinal toxins.
  • Coconut oil, clove, or oregano oil supplementation.
  • Milk thistle, to boost liver detoxification.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!

  1. Definition of Ringworm — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  2. Morgan J, Meltzer MI, Plikaytis BD, Sofair AN, Huie-White S, Wilcox S, et al. “Excess mortality, hospital stay, and cost due to candidemia: a case-control study using data from population-based candidemia surveillance.” — Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2005 Jun;26(6):540-7.
  3. Manos NE, Ferebee SH, Kerschbaum WF. “Geographic variation in the prevalence of histoplasmin sensitivity.” — Dis chest. 1956 Jun;29(6):649-68.

The post Tips to treat and avoid the fungus among us appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

An apple a day could keep frailty away Thu, 08 Jun 2023 20:09:33 +0000 Frailty is a syndrome that leads to a greater risk of falls, fractures, disability, hospitalization and mortality. In other words, it can take your independence and make life a lot less fun. Here are 5 signs it could be creeping up and maybe the easiest way to avoid it...

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I’ll be 67 this summer. While I sure don’t feel “old,” I’m noticing that I tire a bit more easily. I really have to push myself out the door to go for my daily walk.

So I’m taking steps (literally!) to avoid becoming part of the 10 to 15 percent of adults who develop a syndrome known as frailty.

Luckily, there’s research pointing to ways we work at avoiding frailty like taking vitamins, increasing blood levels of CoQ10 and avoiding functional decline.

But I’m especially excited about a tasty way I just learned about that could drastically lower my risks of becoming frail any time soon…

Peak Organic Superfruits

Blend of anthocyanin-rich, organic fermented fruits — including Aronia, Acia, Blueberry, Pomegranate and Plum — that can help clobber insulin resistance, and keep you healthy. MORE⟩⟩


What is frailty?

Frailty is a geriatric syndrome that leads to a greater risk of falls, fractures, disability, hospitalization and mortality.

You or a loved one may be considered frail if three or more of these criteria, developed by Johns Hopkins University Medicine, apply to you:

  1. You’re shrinking. You’ve unintentionally lost ten or more pounds in the past year.
  2. You feel weak. You have trouble standing without assistance or have reduced grip strength.
  3. You feel exhausted. Everything you do takes a big effort, or you feel like you just can’t get going on three or more days most weeks.
  4. Your activity level is low. This includes formal exercise plus household chores and activities you do for fun.
  5. You walk slowly. Your pace is considered slow if takes you more than six or seven seconds to walk 15 feet.

Both men and women can develop frailty. But for men belly fat is an additional factor. Men with the combination of dynapenia (age-related loss of muscle strength) and belly fat are on the road to becoming physically incapacitated before their time.

Flavonols fight frailty

Dietary recommendations for frailty prevention have focused on protein intake. But an international group of scientists wanted to explore if other foods could be helpful.

To do so they looked to The Framingham Heart Study, one of the first large cohort studies to identify risk factors for heart health which also gathered a wealth of data on other factors including aging.

And though they found no significant association between total flavonoid intake and frailty, higher flavonols intake (one of the subclasses of flavonoids) was associated with lower odds of developing frailty in adults over a 12-year follow-up.

“There may be some validity to the old saying, an apple a day keeps the doctor (or frailty) away,” said the authors. “Our findings suggest that for every 10 mg higher intake of flavonols per day, the odds of frailty were reduced by 20 percent.”

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Quercetin: The best flavonol of all

Quercetin was the flavonoid that had the strongest association with frailty prevention. This makes the study authors think that there may be particular subclasses of flavonoids that have the most potential as a dietary strategy for frailty prevention.

Some you may have heard of include anthocyanins, found in purple produce like grapes and plums, and epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG, a cancer-fighting agent found in green tea.

But if apples are your favorite fruit, you’ll be glad to know can easily consume 10 mg of quercetin by eating just one medium-sized apple.

Quercetin is also available in the following fruits and vegetables:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Apples
  • Onions
  • Cherries
  • Blackberries
  • Kale

It’s also plentiful in olive oil, green tea and resveratrol-rich red wine.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


Three generations of health research —

Flavonol-rich foods like apples and blackberries can lower chances of developing frailty — Eureka Alert

Higher intake of dietary flavonols, specifically dietary quercetin, is associated with lower odds of frailty onset over 12 years of follow-up among adults in the Framingham Heart Study — Science Direct

Stay Strong: Four Ways to Beat the Frailty Risk — Johns Hopkins Medicine

The post An apple a day could keep frailty away appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

10 neurotoxic pesticides linked to Parkinson’s Wed, 07 Jun 2023 15:21:23 +0000 A cure for Parkinson's has been elusive. But one thing's for sure: the death of dopamine-producing neurons is a hallmark of the disease. Research has identified 10 commonly used pesticides toxic to those neurons linked directly to Parkinson’s development.

The post 10 neurotoxic pesticides linked to Parkinson’s appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

For many years, science has considered the brain neurotransmitter dopamine to be a key player in Parkinson’s disease.

In scans of patients with Parkinson’s, scientists have been able to see the loss of dopamine neurons in a brain region called the substantia nigra. The death of these neurons is a hallmark of the disease.

In addition to genetic and biological considerations, certain environmental factors are believed to play a role in the development of Parkinson’s…

A study from 2018 found that people exposed to the chemicals paraquat and maneb were 250 percent more likely to develop Parkinson’s than the general population.

And now research has identified not one or two but 10 toxic pesticides that significantly damage dopamine neurons, paving the way for the development of Parkinson’s.

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At birth your body’s pH is balanced. But starting immediately acid waste builds up and starts to shift your pH level from healthy alkaline to unhealthy acid. If your body is too acidic it provides the right terrain for germs to thrive. To add insult to injury… MORE⟩⟩


10 pesticides linked to Parkinson’s development

Researchers from Harvard, UCLA and Mt. Sinai Hospital examined decades-long exposure to 288 pesticides among residents of California’s Central Valley who have Parkinson’s disease (the Central Valley is a major agricultural area).

First, they were able to determine each person’s long-term exposure to each pesticide. Then they tested each pesticide for associations with Parkinson’s.

Ultimately, they identified 53 pesticides that appeared to be involved in causing Parkinson’s. Most had never before been studied and are still in use.

Then, digging further, they tested each pesticide on neurons that closely resembled the dopaminergic neurons that, when damaged, cause the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s: the shuffling gait, uncontrollable tremors and rigid facial and body muscles).

They narrowed down their search to ten pesticides that are responsible for the death of dopamine-producing nerves, including.

  • Four insecticides: dicofol, endosulfan, naled, and propargite
  • Three herbicides: diquat, endothall, and trifluralin
  • Three fungicides: copper sulfate (basic and pentahydrate) and folpet.

Additionally, they tested the toxicity of multiple pesticides that are commonly applied in cotton fields. Combinations including trifluralin, one of the most commonly used herbicides in California, produced the most toxicity.

Previous research involving pesticide applicators had also pointed to trifluralin as a culprit in causing Parkinson’s.

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Precautions you can take

Those at the highest risk from these toxins are people that work with them often.

Dr. Kelly Johnson-Arbor, medical toxicologist, co-medical director, and interim executive director at the National Capital Poison Center, notes that precautions can reduce exposure…

“Wear protective clothing, including gloves, when handling pesticides. Since wind can cause pesticides to spread over larger regions or unintended areas after application, don’t apply pesticides on windy days.”

However, you can come into contact with dopamine-damaging toxins even if you don’t work with them…

Before this study, two other pesticides were identified as having a role in causing genetic forms of Parkinson’s disease: rotenone and paraquat.

Both of these are used routinely to maintain golf courses. Golf courses use four to seven times the amount of pesticides per acre that agricultural growers use.

Golfers are exposed to these toxins mainly through direct skin contact with turf usually on the ankles, legs, hands and arms. If you’re a lover of the game, there are some ways to protect yourself:

  • Wear golf shoes, long socks that cover the legs and long pants.
  • Consider wearing gloves, and/or wash your hands after golfing and before eating or drinking.
  • Call ahead to schedule tee times a few hours after pesticide application, or the following day.
  • Also, consider a detoxifying diet.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


10 pesticides toxic to neurons involved in Parkinson’s — Science Daily

10 commonly used pesticides directly linked to Parkinson’s in new study — Medical News Today

A pesticide and iPSC dopaminergic neuron screen identifies and classifies Parkinson-relevant pesticides — Nature Communications

Rotenone, Paraquat, and Parkinson’s Disease — Environmental Health Perspectives

The post 10 neurotoxic pesticides linked to Parkinson’s appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Laugh away stroke and get happy to lower hypertension Tue, 06 Jun 2023 15:04:35 +0000 Happiness and laughter do more than make us feel good. These emotions affect our blood vessels and directly impact hypertension risk and heart health. Need proof? See what these studies found out about the emotional connection to these serious health issues…

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Laughter is the best medicine. Surely you’ve heard that said.

But is there any real proof that it’s true?

I mean, sure, a good belly laugh is a great way to release tension (and a lot more fun than a good cry!), but what does it do for your health?

Well, for instance, studies show that laughter can be a powerful immune booster. So watching comedy movies when you’re homesick can actually be a good thing! And that’s not all…

Laughing is also protective medicine for your heart.

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When you step out into the sunlight, your body begins the process of making vitamin D. But getting the ideal amount can be difficult because some of us can’t effectively absorb it. That’s just one of many reasons the vitamin D deficiency is an epidemic… MORE⟩⟩


Laughing maintains healthy blood vessels

A University of Maryland School of Medicine study showed that laughter is directly linked to the function of our blood vessels.

When a group of volunteers was shown laughter-provoking movies, the inner tissues of their blood vessels, known as the endothelium, dilated to accommodate increased blood flow.

When the same group was shown a movie that produced mental stress, their endothelial tissue developed vasoconstriction, a potentially unhealthy response in which the blood vessel lining constricts and blood flow is reduced.

“The endothelium is the first line in the development of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, so, given the results of our study, it is conceivable that laughing may be important to maintain a healthy endothelium, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease,” says principal investigator Dr. Michael Miller, director of preventive cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center.

The endothelium not only regulates blood flow but controls coagulation and blood thickening, which is directly related to the risk of stroke.

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Happiness cuts the risk of hypertension

Hypertension is a huge risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

What if there were a risk-free intervention that could slash your risk of hypertension?

There is. It’s called happiness.

Of course, “happiness” is a subjective term. But it generally involves being in a stress-free state.

In a recent study, Japanese researchers examined data from the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) to see how subjective happiness related to hypertension risk.

Subjective happiness was rated on a scale of 1 to 10, with scores of eight or more being defined as “high levels of subjective happiness” and scores less than eight as “low levels of subjective happiness.”

People with higher levels of subjective happiness had a lower incidence of hypertension.

Since higher levels of happiness are linked with lower stress levels, the researchers feel that one explanation for this relationship could be that happiness is also linked to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Other ways to stay happy and protect your heart

It’s been proven that the words we use and the music we listen to can have a profound effect on our emotional health. That’s why music therapy can have healing effects on cancer and other illnesses, as well as on anxiety.

Meditation has been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease. And study after study has shown that exercise is key to overcoming and preventing depression.

Finally, work toward cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” by choosing to see situations in the most positive light possible.

Studies show that gratitude can lower your blood pressure and improve your heart health. One study even found that gratitude lowered inflammation and improved heart rate variability in patients with Stage B heart failure.

So no matter how you do it, find a way to put a smile on your face each day. Your heart will thank you!

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!


Keep Laughing – It’s Good for Your Heart — South Denver Cardiology Associates

Subjective Happiness, Frequency of Laughter, and Hypertension: A Cross-Sectional Study Based on the Japan Gerontological Evaluation Study (JAGES) — International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

University Of Maryland School Of Medicine Study Shows Laughter Helps Blood Vessels Function Better — Science Daily

The post Laugh away stroke and get happy to lower hypertension appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

4 ways mouth breathing wrecks your health Mon, 05 Jun 2023 15:48:49 +0000 Do you often wake up in a puddle of drool? Is your mouth drier than the Mojave desert in the morning? These are annoying signs of a common issue that can impact your health far more seriously than you ever dreamed. From bad teeth to low oxygen, mouth breathing takes a toll…

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Have you ever woken up in a puddle of drool?

Odd question, I know. But if you have, then it’s almost a guarantee that you’ve been breathing through your mouth at night instead of your nose.

Mouth breathing every once in a while isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But if you habitually breathe through your mouth, you could be putting yourself at risk of a lot of health complications.

Let’s talk about those and why it’s important to know all the signs as well as how to retrain your breathing habits to use your nasal airways instead of your mouth…

Peak Organic Alkalizing Greens

At birth your body’s pH is balanced. But starting immediately acid waste builds up and starts to shift your pH level from healthy alkaline to unhealthy acid. If your body is too acidic it provides the right terrain for germs to thrive. To add insult to injury… MORE⟩⟩


4 problems mouth breathing can lead to

Some of the less serious effects of mouth breathing include dry mouth and bad breath. However, mouth breathing can also cause real damage to your health…

Take sleep apnea, for instance. In adults, night mouth breathing is responsible for almost all incidences of obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). With obstructive sleep apnea, your breathing is interrupted during sleep for longer than 10 seconds at least 5 times per hour on average. Sudden drops in blood oxygen levels that occur during OSA increase blood pressure and strain the cardiovascular system.

According to research, people with OSAHS typically have a mix of its four phenotypes, and no one treatment works for all. However, since mouth breathing is the primary condition that leads to the type of pharyngeal airway collapse that can cause OSAHS, breathing re-education (BRE) can help in most cases. (More on that in a minute.)

Mouth breathing can also lead to dental problems and gum disease. Much of the harm comes from the fact that it has a major impact on your saliva. When mouth breathing dries out your mouth, there’s less saliva to wash out bacteria that flourish on the teeth and gums and can lead to tooth decay, gingivitis and gum disease. A dry mouth can also throw off the pH balance in your mouth by changing acidity levels. An unhealthy level of acidity can degrade your tooth enamel.

Mouth breathers tend to have posture problems and muscle fatigue because they carry their heads forward to compensate for a restricted airway. This poor posture can lead to neck pain, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) tension, compression of the spinal discs, early arthritis, tension headaches and bite problems. It also causes the muscles in the chest to tighten, making it even harder to breathe.

Mouth breathing can also result in the ineffective release of nitric oxide (NO). NO is a signaling molecule that is naturally produced by the body and contributes to many health functions. You may have heard of the nitrate–nitrite–nitric oxide pathway which produces NO from certain foods we eat. But NO is also taken into the body from the nasal airways where it flows to the lungs and is absorbed into the bloodstream to oxygenate the blood. Of course, this hinges on nasal breathing. Mouth breathers miss out and their cells don’t get as much oxygen. That can lead to fatigue and disorders made worse by low NO, including some that affect heart health.

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Training to breathe through your nose

So, how do you know if you’re a mouth breather? And how can you stop?

As I mentioned before, a puddle of drool on your pillow is one sign. A constantly stuffy nose also pretty much guarantees you’ll be breathing through your mouth. Other signs include snoring, dry mouth or lips, bad breath, cavities, poor sleep, sore throat, morning headaches, cold symptoms, frequent sinus or respiratory infections, red or inflamed gums, crowded teeth, digestive issues and brain fog.

If you’re not sure you’re a mouth breather, you can have a professional conduct a Glatzel mirror test to see if the breath is being exhaled symmetrically through the nose. The test also checks for breathing obstructions like enlarged adenoids or a deviated septum.

To switch from mouth to nasal breathing during rest, exercise and sleep, you need to undergo breathing re-education (BRE). BRE includes exercises that improve the strength and function of breathing muscles like the diaphragm. It also involves restoring the proper resting position of the tongue, which is important in sleep apnea because it maintains an open airway.

Myofunctional Therapy (MT) is helpful to re-educate the tongue muscles and improve tone and function in the upper airways. MT can also restore nasal breathing during sleep.

There’s also the Buteyko Breathing Method, developed in the 1950s by Russian respiratory physiologist Dr. Konstantin Buteyko. This breathing technique has been used by Patrick McKeown to train elite athletes in optimal breathing. Here is a 10-minute video in which McKeown demonstrates the Buteyko method if you want to try it for yourself.

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!


Benefits of Breathing through Your Nose —

Five Critical Facts Everyone Should Know About Mouth Breathing —

Breathing Re-Education and Phenotypes of Sleep Apnea: A Review — Journal of Clinical Medicine

Obstructive Sleep Apnea — Johns Hopkins Medicine

Could Breathing Re-Education Answer the Need for Personalized Sleep Apnea Treatment? — Dental Sleep Practice

The post 4 ways mouth breathing wrecks your health appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

5 health conditions made worse by summer heat Thu, 01 Jun 2023 18:25:11 +0000 Summer is here, and the mercury is rising in parts of the country. Being outside in hot weather doesn’t just put you at risk of heatstroke and sunburn. If you have any of these 5 conditions, it could exacerbate your symptoms…

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In the northern hemisphere, the summer months are the hottest of the year. Who knows what this summer will be like, but if the most recent are any indication, parts of the country could certainly see triple digits again.

Scientists are worried about the increasing number of “extreme heat events” and the major health risks they pose to people living in intensely hot environments like the southwestern U.S. states.

Spending a lot of time in the sun and heat can cause your body to overheat and lead to sunburn, dehydration and life-threatening conditions like heatstroke.

But one thing you may not be aware of is the impact heat can have on pre-existing health problems. Here are five medical conditions that can be made worse by exposure to too much heat…

Peak Organic Femented Beets

It may not be a household word, but nitric oxide has been recognized in over 130,000 published scientific papers as a vital signaling molecule that keeps blood vessels healthy and blood pressure in the healthy range. But as you age, your cells produce less and… MORE⟩⟩



While many people experience a flare-up of their arthritis in cold and rainy weather, others see their symptoms increase in hot temperatures. One theory as to why this occurs includes changes in barometric pressure, which can cause joint stiffness, swelling and pain.

Also, dehydration caused by excessive heat can reduce the lubrication in your joints, increasing pain and inflammation.

Autoimmune conditions

If you have an autoimmune disorder like multiple sclerosis (MS) or lupus, heat exposure may cause your symptoms to flare up.

For instance, even small increases in core body temperature can worsen MS symptoms such as vision problems, weakness, pain and confusion. The effect of heat on MS is common enough that experts have named it the Uhthoff phenomenon. Once a person with MS cools down, the symptoms typically decrease in severity or possibly cease, at least temporarily.

Lupus flares can be triggered by extreme heat or exposure to UVA and UVB rays from the sun. Both of these factors decrease the clearance of dead skin cells, promoting the body’s immune response.

Heart disease

Your body works to get rid of excess heat by rerouting blood flow to the skin, so your heart is forced to pump harder whenever you’re in hot conditions. In fact, your heart may circulate two to four times as much blood in the summer as it does during cooler seasons.

In short, excessive heat puts a huge strain on your heart, which could quickly become life-threatening if you already have heart disease. Also, if you have atherosclerosis, your blood flow may be limited, which makes it more difficult for your heart to circulate blood when you’re overly hot.

If that wasn’t bad enough, some medications used to treat heart disease, like diuretics and beta-blockers, remove fluid from the body, increasing your risk of dehydration in extreme heat. Other drugs may interfere with heat regulation by blocking sweating, slowing the heartbeat or causing photosensitivity, a negative skin reaction to sunlight.


Did you know heat makes you more susceptible to headaches? According to a Harvard study, your chances of a headache increase by 8 percent with every 9-degree increase in temperature.

Migraine is the most common type of headache that occurs during the hot months of summer. Exposure to a hot environment makes the blood vessels in your head expand, which can lead to the throbbing pain of a migraine.

Dehydration because of excessive sweating can also trigger migraine. Oddly enough, so can overcompensation by drinking too much water. Try to find a happy medium.

Respiratory conditions

Excessive heat can aggravate certain respiratory conditions. Harmful air pollutants tend to build up when the heat and humidity rise and this can exacerbate breathing problems caused by asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and allergies. Pollen also tends to be high in the summer, which is another trigger for respiratory conditions.

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Tips to protect yourself from the heat

The easiest way to avoid hot temperatures is to stay indoors where there’s air conditioning. This is especially important between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. when the sun and heat are at their strongest.

If you absolutely have to be outside, stick to shady areas as much as possible and take frequent breaks if you’re being active. And if you don’t have access to air conditioning or a fan, using cold compresses or ice on your forehead and neck, or taking a cool shower or bath, can help lower your body temperature.

You can also eat foods that help your body produce the nitric oxide it needs to increase blood flow to the skin to help you cool faster. Beets or beetroot juice is an excellent choice.

If you suffer from arthritis or an autoimmune disease, light activity like walking is important for managing your symptoms. But that can be difficult to manage when the mercury rises. Try to time your outdoor activities for early in the morning or close to sunset, when the temperatures aren’t so extreme.

One of the most important ways you can protect your health in hot weather is to stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty. And don’t forget about electrolytes. Sweating causes you to lose both water and salt, so it might be a good idea to alternate water with sports drinks like Gatorade. If you enjoy milk, you may like to know it’s an excellent choice for rehydration, beating out sports drinks.

Be sure to limit your intake of alcohol and caffeine, since they’re diuretics and can lead to further dehydration.

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!


How the summer heat can affect your health—and ways to stay safe — The Checkup By SingleCare

The Effects of Heat on Your Heart — Tenet Health

5 ways you can get rid of that annoying summer headache — India Today

Managing Arthritis During the Summer — Carolina Arthritis

The post 5 health conditions made worse by summer heat appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Why broccoli is a gut-saving disease-fighting superfood Wed, 31 May 2023 21:59:32 +0000 Broccoli is a superfood for many reasons, including protecting against diabetes and age-related ailments. But that’s not all. While further exploring broccoli’s health impacts, researchers discovered another molecule that closes the door on a frequent gateway to disease…

The post Why broccoli is a gut-saving disease-fighting superfood appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Did you grow up with your parents telling you to eat your broccoli? If you were anything like me, as a kid you pushed that vegetable off to the side as often as you could get away with.

Has much changed since then?

Surprisingly, a Green Giant “Favorite Veggie” survey crowned broccoli as America’s favorite vegetable — yet only one in ten of us is meeting the daily recommended servings of fruits and vegetables.

That means most of us are probably still not eating enough broccoli and we’re cheating ourselves of major disease protection…

Broccoli is packed with sulforaphane and other phytochemicals, like diindolylmethane (DIM), that can help fight diabetesslow agingstrengthen your bonesprotect your eyesightdefend against colon cancer and support prostate health.

And that’s not all researchers are finding out about this superfood….

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The golden-colored oil of the Nigella sativa plant contains compounds essential for a healthy immune system. That explains why it was documented in the oldest medical writings. But we don’t just rely on history to prove the therapeutic benefit of… MORE⟩⟩


Molecule in broccoli keeps your gut intact

In a new study, researchers at Penn State divided mice into two groups to determine broccoli’s impact on the small intestine. They fed an experimental group of mice a diet containing 15 percent broccoli (equivalent to 3.5 cups per day for humans) and a control group a typical lab diet without the superfood.

The wall of the small intestine is designed to be permeable enough that water and nutrients pass into the bloodstream, but strong enough to keep harmful food particles and bacteria inside until it’s voided. The epithelial lining of the small intestine is made up of specific cells that support this healthy balance.

In the study, the researchers discovered that molecules in broccoli known as aryl hydrocarbon receptor ligands bind to aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AHR), initiating activities that affect the functions of those cells.

An AHR is a transcription factor, a type of protein that when activated signals both your immune cells and the cells lining your intestines to stop all inflammatory processes and repair any cells that were previously damaged.

The analysis showed the mice that weren’t fed broccoli lacked AHR activity, resulting in altered intestinal barrier function and reduced transit time of food in the small intestine. These two things are harmful because reduced transit time means waste sits in your intestines longer. And if the barrier is not functioning as it should, harmful elements of the waste, including endotoxins (fragments of bacteria), can breach the barrier.

These mice also had decreased numbers of goblet cells, which secrete a protective layer of mucus on the intestinal wall; decreased Paneth cells, which secrete lysosomes that contain digestive enzymes; and a reduced number of enterocyte cells, which absorb water and nutrients.

“The gut health of the mice that were not fed broccoli was compromised in a variety of ways that are known to be associated with disease,” says Gary Perdew, chair in agricultural sciences at Penn State. “Our research suggests that broccoli and likely other foods can be used as natural sources of AHR ligands, and that diets rich in these ligands contribute to resilience of the small intestine.”

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The importance of your gut barrier

It’s much easier to keep your gut lining healthy than it is to repair it. If it’s damaged, via any number of factors including poor diet, antibiotic use, stress or aging, the barrier weakens, increasing intestinal permeability and allowing endotoxins to enter the bloodstream. This is known as leaky gut — a condition that acts as an open door to disease.

A person suffering from leaky gut may experience a range of symptoms from diarrhea to constipation, bloating, skin problems, joint pain, headaches and even confusion.

It also exacerbates weight gain. Researchers that looked specifically at the impact of endotoxins on fat cells discovered that key processes that usually help control the buildup of fat are interrupted by the material.

And as inflammation further wears down the intestinal barrier, its spreads throughout the body, triggering the immune system to over-respond.

The result? A wide range of symptoms that drag health down, lead to food allergies, intolerances and sensitivities, as well as autoimmune diseases. And because the symptoms and these types of conditions are so varied, often mimicking other illnesses, it can take years to get a diagnosis from a physician.

So, if you’re not over your aversion to broccoli it’s time to get serious about working this superfood into your diet.

Supplements can also support your gut lining and you can read about five of them here.

Editor’s note: Are you feeling unusually tired? You may think this is normal aging, but the problem could be your master hormone. When it’s not working, your risk of age-related diseases skyrockets. To reset what many call “the trigger for all disease” and live better, longer, click here to discover The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease!


Broccoli consumption protects gut lining, reduces disease, in mice — Penn State

Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Activation Coordinates Mouse Small Intestinal Epithelial Cell Programming — Laboratory Investigation

Do Pureed Vegetables Have as Much Fiber as Fresh? — Week&

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Got osteoarthritis? Why you should be golfing Wed, 31 May 2023 18:39:21 +0000 Being diagnosed with osteoarthritis can feel like a prison sentence. You might think your sporting days are over, but golfing has been proven to be one of the best activities for those with this condition. Here are the benefits and reasons why you should be golfing...

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Being diagnosed with osteoarthritis can feel like a prison sentence. You might assume that it means your sporting days are over, and you’ll have to be content with watching sports on TV or stick to light activities like gardening. But there’s good news: you don’t have to give up physical activity. 

In fact, golf has been proven to be one of the best activities for those with this condition. The low-impact nature of the sport is a huge advantage, but that’s only one of the many benefits of golfing for people with osteoarthritis. 

Let’s explore some of the reasons golf is an amazing sport if you’ve got the condition and why you absolutely should consider taking it up if you haven’t already! 

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How does golf benefit people with osteoarthritis? 

Contrary to what your instinct might tell you, movement is an excellent remedy for all the symptoms associated with osteoarthritis. Your doctor might tell you to do light physical activity, so sports like golf might not cross your mind. 

But the truth is, golfing is one of the best things you can do if you’ve got bone and joint issues and you still want to stay active. Here are some of the reasons you should definitely be considering it. 

Physical Benefits of Golfing 

One of the biggest problems that people with arthritis have is finding a sport that doesn’t cause them more pain than they already have. Golf is perfect — it’s low impact, improves flexibility, and strengthens the muscles. 

Low Impact 

The low-impact nature of golf means that it’s a great sport for those with any kind of joint issues. There’s no harsh impact on the joints with golf — it’s all walking and on soft, shock-absorbing surfaces. 

Even if walking is hard for you, the golf cart is ready and waiting to be used! Even the impact of the golf club hitting the ball is minimal, so there’s no need to worry about hurting your hands, especially if you choose to wear golf gloves. 

Improves Flexibility 

The golf swing is a fluid motion. There’s no jarring or impact, so as long as you get your form right, the movement can actually help to improve your flexibility. 

The more you practice your golf swing, the better your range of motion will become. While this might not help your fingers, it could help to prevent the stiffness from extending to other joints. 

Strengthens Muscles 

While golf isn’t the most muscular of workouts, it definitely offers some muscle-building benefits. If you’re playing on a regular basis, you can expect your muscles to get stronger, although they may not get bigger. 

Stronger muscles can provide extra support for the joints. When your joints are stiff or unstable, having strong muscles can just give you that little bit of structural support you need to keep you moving with confidence. 

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Pain management and relief 

Aside from not contributing to pain and helping you to gain physical strength benefits, golfing also offers some pain relief effects. It might sound counterintuitive, but playing a round of golf can help reduce the ache! Here’s how. 

Increased Circulation 

The movements associated with golf — fluid swings and walking — help to increase circulation throughout the body as your heart rate increases and pumps the blood around the body. That means that blood gets to your extremities faster, bringing oxygen and nutrients to painful joints for healing. 

Endorphin Release 

Along with better blood flow, exercise also stimulates a release of endorphins. Endorphins are “happy chemicals” in the brain, which boost calm, improve mood, and lower pain. Plus, evidence suggests that exercising out in nature can compound these good effects, so golf is a win-win situation! 

Mental health benefits of golfing

Physical health isn’t the only thing that gets a nice boost when you get out on the golf course. Your mental health does too. It’s not unusual for people with osteoarthritis to struggle with their mental health too. 

Being in pain can make it hard to stay positive. You also might find that you struggle with tasks you used to find easy, which can lead to sadness and feeling despondent. Ultimately, you might find that you end up grieving for the things you’ve lost. 

While golf isn’t going to fix everything, the sport can give you a mental health boost. Those endorphins we mentioned can boost your mood and make you feel a whole lot happier, as they take the edge off the pain. 

They also counteract the effects of cortisol, the stress hormone, so you can expect some of your stresses to melt away when you’re on the course. It’s the perfect place to be mindful and change your frame of mind, so you can find creative solutions to things that may be stressing you out. 

It’s also ideal for those who may be grieving the loss of their ability to play other sports or do other physical activities. Getting onto the course, learning the game, and challenging yourself without aggravating your joints is a joyful feeling when you’ve been struggling with osteoarthritis. 

Social benefits of golf

Let’s not forget about the social benefits. It can be hard for people with osteoarthritis to socialize because they may not be able to take part in some of the same activities their friends or family enjoy. This can lead to feeling guilty that plans must revolve around you or simply worrying about being the reason others might miss out on the fun. 

The golf course is an excellent place to meet people who could become regular golfing buddies! Or, you can invite your friends or family members to join you for a round, making it as much a social experience as it is a sporty one. 

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Need proof of golf’s benefits for osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis doesn’t have to hold you back from living a fun-filled, active life. Yes, you may have to make some changes to your lifestyle, but you can still enjoy sports and the outdoors and stay healthy at the same time. 

In fact, a research team including academics from Australia and the UK found that golfers with osteoarthritis experience less psychological distress and better health in general compared to most folks.

According to lecturer and occupational therapist, Dr. Brad Stenner, “Our research has highlighted the important role that golf has in building friendships, contributing to community and bringing a sense of belonging, all of which are known to contribute to mental health and wellbeing.”

Of course, staying active and exercising regularly is one of the most important aspects of managing osteoarthritis.

“Lower impact activity such as golf can assist in maintaining activity whereas higher impact activities such as running, jogging and gym may place significant stress on the joints, contributing to increased symptoms and pain,” says Dr. Stenner.

If you’re looking for a way to get the joints moving, blood flowing and the endorphins rolling, and have some fun without pain, try golf! 

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!


Osteoarthritis sufferers swing their way to better health — EurekaAlert

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Tick bite? Take this first step to avoid disease transmission Tue, 30 May 2023 17:21:47 +0000 In spite of taking all the precautions, you've found a tick has invaded your personal space. And you know that blood-fattened bug could be one of three known for transmitting serious disease, from Lyme to Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Here's your first step to reduce your chances of getting sick...

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One of my favorite things to do in the summer is go camping. But since I live in the state where Lyme disease began, I’m hyper-aware of one of the hazards of spending time outdoors: ticks.

I’ve learned it helps to wear long sleeves, pants tucked into socks and a hat. But there’s still the chance a tick may latch onto you. They’re so tiny they’re easy to miss — that is, until they’ve swollen up after feasting on your blood.

So, what happens if I am bitten? Should I call the doctor right away? Here’s what we all need to know about ticks and tick bites…

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Speedy tick removal is key

First off, experts say, most common infections from tick bites aren’t transmitted immediately. Take Lyme disease, which is by far the most common tickborne disease in the U.S. The bacteria that causes it, Borrelia burgdorferi, takes more than 24 hours to be transmitted from tick to host, Dr. Jonathan Oliver, a public health entomologist at the University of Minnesota, told MedPage Today.

This is because the Borrelia bacteria lives in the mid-gut of the tick and has to be activated by the tick taking in blood. Only then can the bacteria migrate to the salivary glands and be transmitted to the host.

Lyme disease symptoms include fever, headache, fatigue and the signature bulls-eye rash that can appear anywhere from three to 30 days after a bite. If not treated, it can spread to the heart, joints and nervous system. But you can reduce your risk of getting sick very quickly…

“If you do tick checks every day and make sure you remove any attached ticks, your risk of Lyme disease is very low, even if the tick was infected,” Oliver says.

The best way to do that is by using fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible and pull it upward with steady pressure. If parts of the tick are left in the skin, remove that with tweezers as well and clean the area and your hands with rubbing alcohol. Flush the tick down the toilet.

Disease-causing ticks to watch for

Experts agree that there is no need to seek medical treatment after most tick bites, particularly when the tick is removed right away.

But before you remove it, take a picture. It’s important to identify it (there are several smartphone apps to make this easy as well as sites online), especially if it’s one of these three ticks most likely to transmit disease to humans:

  • The blacklegged tick, also known as the deer tick
  • The lone star tick
  • The American dog tick

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In addition to Borrelia burgdorferi, the blacklegged tick can transmit the bacteria Anaplasma phagocytophilum, which causes anaplasmosis, and the protozoan Babesia microti, which causes babesiosis.

Both these illnesses can cause flu-like symptoms. However, because the Babesia protozoan infects the red blood cells, it can lead to a more serious condition known as hemolytic anemia. Babesiosis can be life-threatening in the elderly and in people who have had their spleen removed, have a weakened immune system or have other serious health conditions such as liver or kidney disease.

The blacklegged tick can also transmit Powassan virus. Oliver told MedPage Today this virus is “pretty rare but can be very bad. It can cause encephalitis and meningitis and can be lethal.”

Both the blacklegged tick and the lone star tick can transmit the bacteria Ehrlichia. This causes ehrlichiosis, an illness characterized by flu-like symptoms. Both of these ticks also can trigger something known as alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), which causes people to have an allergic reaction to all red meat.

In addition, the lone star tick can transmit Bourbon virus and Heartland virus. According to Oliver, both these diseases are “extremely rare as far as we know, but they can cause encephalitis-type symptoms.”

The American dog tick can transmit Rickettsia rickettsia. This bacteria causes one of the deadliest tickborne diseases in the Americas: Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF). People with RMSF usually have a fever and headache at first. Then about two to four days after fever begins, they develop a rash that appears as small, flat, pink, macules on the wrists, forearms, and ankles and spreads to the trunk and sometimes the palms of hands and soles of feet.

Seek treatment as soon as possible for RMSF or it can result in death or cause permanent damage to blood vessels in the arms, legs, fingers or toes that can result in amputation. Some patients also suffer hearing loss, paralysis or mental disability.

The good news? The proportion of American dog ticks that carry Rickettsia rickettsii is less than one percent.

Preventing a tick bite

In addition to covering up well when you venture out, other common-sense ways to dodge ticks include:

  • Avoiding thick vegetation.
  • Hiking in the center of trails.
  • Using tick repellents.
  • Wearing light-colored clothes so it’s easier to see ticks on you.
  • Immediately checking yourself and your pets after time outdoors.
  • Showering after spending time outdoors.
  • Tumbling clothes in a hot dryer after time outdoors.

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!


Bitten by a Tick: What’s My Risk of Getting Sick? — MedPage Today

Anaplasmosis — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Babesiosis FAQs — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Ehrlichiosis — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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9 steps that make summer grilling healthier Fri, 26 May 2023 21:06:33 +0000 Time to break out the grill, but you should know that grilling meat can generate two known carcinogens. The good news: there are a few steps you can take to reduce this threat, including the right marinade...

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Got the meats? Check! The charcoal? Check! The grill? Check!

And cancer?

Sorry, but it’s true. Grilling meat can generate carcinogens.

That’s probably the last thing you want to hear right now… right when grilling season is getting started.

But don’t give up grilling just yet. There are steps you can take to drastically reduce or even eliminate the carcinogens in your barbecue.

You can also add some savory ingredients to your grilling that are powerful anti-cancer agents.

Why grilling can be hazardous to your health

Two carcinogenic substances are the direct result of grilling meat:

  • Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) form when amino acids, sugars and creatine (found in muscle) react as meat is cooked at very high temperatures.
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are in the smoke from your barbecue grill. When fat and juices from your meat drip into the flames, PAH-filled smoke rises and sticks to your meat, giving it a dose of carcinogens along with its smoky flavor.

Research has shown that exposure to HCAs and PAHs can cause cancer in animal subjects including tumors of the colon, liver, breast, skin, lung and prostate.

How to minimize your risk of exposure

The good news is that there are quite a few steps you can take before, during and after cooking to reduce your exposure to these deadly chemicals while still enjoying a delicious barbecue meal.

1. Use marinades.
According to J. Scott Smith, a professor of food chemistry at Kansas State University, “cooking meats with natural antioxidants decreases or eliminates HCAs on meat.” Smith found that a marinade with rosemary and thyme produced an 87 percent decrease in HCA levels.

Basil, mint, turmeric, garlic and oregano are other antioxidant herbs that taste great in marinades.

Marinades containing vinegar and/or lemon can act as an invisible shield, changing the acidity of your meat and preventing PAHs from sticking. On the other hand, thick barbecue sauces with sugar just add to the problem and should be used only toward the end of cooking.

2. Add alcohol.
In your marinades, that is. One study at the University of Porto in Portugal showed that beef marinated in red wine for six hours before grilling had 40 percent fewer carcinogens than meat that isn’t marinaded. And red wine is full of antioxidants, which soak into your meat and make it even healthier.

Or consider marinating in beer. The University of Porto study also found that marinating pork in beer for four hours before charcoal grilling reduced PAHs by as much as 53 percent (using black ale). Even non-alcoholic beer caused a 25 percent reduction in PAHs.

3. Buy lean cuts.
Less fat dripping into the flames means less PAH production. Cut off as much excess fat as possible before grilling.

4. Partially pre-cook your meat.
Pre-cooking helps cut down on carcinogens. Microwave leaner cuts for 60 seconds or thicker steaks for 90 seconds before placing on the grill. This reduces grilling time and lets some juices drain beforehand rather than dripping into the flames.

5. Control your temperature.
HCAs begin to form at 325 degrees F., while federal safety guidelines put minimum cooking temperatures for meats far below that. Use a meat thermometer to monitor cooking temperature.

If you have several burners on your grill, you can grill meat quickly on each side and then move it away from a direct flame, allowing it to cook more slowly at a lower temperature.

6. Use propane, not charcoal.
Charcoal-grilled meats contain more carcinogens. Also, charcoal makes more smoke and hotter flames.

7. Skewer it.
A great way to reduce cooking time is to place meat, chicken and vegetables on skewers. Smaller surface area means less time needed to cook and less chance to produce chemical-filled smoke.

8. Eat your veggies.
Speaking of vegetables, let’s not forget that even you meat-lovers out there can enjoy grilled vegetables! They have no amino acids, sugars or creatine to produce those unwanted carcinogens! (Fruits are healthy, too!)

Some great fruits and veggies to grill include:

  • Tomatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Pineapple
  • Onions
  • Bell peppers
  • Zucchini
  • Eggplant
  • Mango
  • Apple
  • Pear

9. Don’t forget fish!
Finally, consider eating more fish and less meat this summer. Just as protein-filled and satisfying, fish has omega-3s for a healthy heart and no risk of carcinogens. Try grilling trout, salmon or snapper with some fresh tarragon, rosemary or basil. Heavenly!

Editor’s note: Discover how to live a cancer prevention lifestyle — using foods, vitamins, minerals and herbs — as well as little-known therapies allowed in other countries but denied to you by American mainstream medicine. Click here to discover Surviving Cancer! A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis!


  1. Effects of marinating with Asian marinades or western barbecue sauce on PhIP and MeIQx formation in barbecued beef — Nutrition and Cancer
  2. Occurrence of heterocyclic amines in cooked meat products — Meat Science
  3. Safe Minimum Cooking Temperatures —
  4. Chemicals in Meat Cooked at High Temperatures and Cancer Risk — National Cancer Institute
  5. Brush On The Marinade, Hold Off The Cancerous Compounds — University of Arkansas, Food Safety Consortium
  6. Effect of Beer Marinades on Formation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Charcoal-Grilled Pork — Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

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Relief for long COVID fatigue: Resetting the vagus nerve Fri, 26 May 2023 14:05:11 +0000 Long-COVID is no joke. Almost half who suffer from it experience crushing fatigue they say impacts their quality of life. Researchers hot on the trail of why it happens and how to relieve it may have hit a nerve… one that has a history of dysfunction related to other viral infections.

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In January 2023, the number of people in the U.S. currently experiencing long COVID symptoms declined to 11 percent from 19 percent six months earlier. The drop-off is good news, but that’s still a significant number of people suffering from what can be a debilitating condition.

People with long COVID often experience persistent fatigue that’s so profound, in one study, almost half of patients reported it decreased their quality of life. And another study found that even if a person’s case of COVID had been relatively mild, they could still develop chronic fatigue syndrome.

Investigators are striving to figure out what exactly it is about COVID that leads to this type of long-range fatigue — and most importantly, how to relieve it. A research team in the U.K. may have hit a nerve…

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Underactivity in the central nervous system

The Newcastle University researchers conducted behavioral and neurophysiological tests on a group of 37 volunteers with post-COVID fatigue. Then, they compared the results with those of 52 control subjects. The tests included a startle reaction time test, an electrocardiogram and transcranial magnetic stimulation.

What they found in patients with post-COVID fatigue was eye-opening:

  • There was underactivity in certain cortical circuits that caused a slower reaction in specific areas of the brain.
  • There was also impairment in the autonomic nervous system, the network of nerves that regulates unconscious bodily functions such as blood pressure and breathing rate. This impairment can have wide-ranging effects on several different body processes.
  • There were abnormalities in muscle fibers that caused them to become more easily fatigued after exercise.

This breakthrough has given them a lead on a possible therapy…

Research Assistant Natalie Maffitt, co-author on the paper, said: “Following on from these findings, we are beginning testing at Newcastle University on whether the autonomic nervous system can be modulated to improve symptoms in post-covid fatigue.”

And to do that, their focus is on stimulating the vagus nerve, an integral part of the autonomic nervous system…

Resetting the vagus nerve to treat Long COVID fatigue

Based on previous research into chronic fatigue conditions, the Newcastle team believes stimulating the vagus nerve might relieve the fatigue of long-COVID.

But there’s another connection as well: upper respiratory viral infections have been known to trigger dysfunction of the vagus nerve.

The vagus nerve is a cranial nerve that begins in the part of the brain that connects to the spinal cord, but it splits off into many “branches,” first extending down either side of the neck, then through the heart, around the lungs, through the abdomen and into the intestines.

The far-reaching nerve provides nerve signals to various parts of the body — and one of those is the ears.

“We’re examining a non-invasive method which involves clipping an earpiece to the tragus on the ear and delivering small electrical currents to the vagus nerve using a TENS machine…,” says Maffitt.

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Stimulating the vagus nerve

Researchers have previously turned to stimulation of the vagus nerve to relieve symptoms of numerous conditions including epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease, gastroparesis, vasovagal syncope (fainting) and treatment-resistant depression.

And because the nerve affects multiple body systems, many symptoms can indicate vagal nerve dysfunction, including acid reflux, abdominal pain and bloating, dizziness, hoarseness, unexplained weight loss, chronic mood disorders and more.

If I had to guess, I’d say the Newcastle team is on the right track. In 2019 researchers at the University of Leeds recruited volunteers, aged 55 and up, and gave each of them tVNS (transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation) therapy via the ear for 15 minutes a day for two weeks.

Participants not only showed an increase in parasympathetic activity and a decrease in sympathetic activity, which demonstrated a rebalancing of their autonomic nervous systems, but also reported improvements in their mental health and sleeping patterns.

It’s not sure when tVNS might be widely available as an official therapy for long COVID. But portable TENS units are safe and affordable for home use and rather low-priced on sites like

If a little ear tickle is not your preferred method to improve fatigue that could be related to long COVID, there are other ways the nerve might be stimulated.

Also, a previous study found that long COVID patients given a combination of L-arginine and liposomal vitamin C experienced less fatigue.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


Unlocking the secrets of long Covid — Newcastle University

Neural dysregulation in post-COVID fatigue — Brain Communications

Long COVID: What Do the Latest Data Show? — KFF

Global prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome among long COVID-19 patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis — BioPsychoSocial Medicine

TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) — NHS

The post Relief for long COVID fatigue: Resetting the vagus nerve appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

The trace mineral that slows brain aging and helps after stroke Wed, 24 May 2023 18:29:00 +0000 Selenium plays a role in many bodily processes, including reproduction, thyroid function, and protecting the body from free radicals and infection. But what it can do to slow brain aging got our attention, even in the event of stroke...

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Selenium is a trace mineral, which means the body only needs small amounts of it.

But the flip side of this is that, without that small but necessary amount, things can start to go wrong.

Selenium plays a role in many bodily processes, including reproduction, thyroid function, and protecting the body from free radicals and infection.

Selenium is the subject of much health research, which has shown that it could help prevent heart disease, certain cancers and even asthma.

Most recently, research has focused on the role selenium may play in regenerating our brain neurons and helping to slow the decline of cognitive abilities that comes with age, or after a stroke.

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Selenium slows brain aging …

According to a study from the University of Queensland in Australia, selenium could be a powerful defender of our cognitive abilities.

The study revealed that not only could selenium boost the learning and memory power of our aging brains, but may also be able to reverse the cognitive decline that follows a stroke.

“We’ve known for the last 20 years that exercise can create new neurons in the brain, but we didn’t really understand how,” says lead researcher Dr. Tara Walker.

Prior studies on exercise and the aging brain uncovered a protein that is needed to transport selenium in the blood. Exercise elevates levels of this protein, allowing selenium to do its brain-saving work.

But what if you’re old, ill, or physically unable to exercise or even move around much? Can you still take advantage of the brain benefits of selenium?

The Queensland research team wanted to find out whether simply taking dietary selenium supplements could help generate new neurons, without the help of the exercise-generated protein.

They gave selenium supplements to older mice. New neuron generation decreases rapidly as mice age, similar to the way human brains age.

“When selenium supplements were given to the mice, the production of neurons increased, reversing the cognitive deficits observed in aging,” Dr. Walker reported.

… and may aid in stroke recovery

But would selenium supplements have an impact on the cognitive decline that follows a stroke?

“Young mice are really good at the learning and memory tasks, but after a stroke, they could no longer perform these tasks,” Dr. Walker said.

“We found that learning and memory deficits of stroke-affected mice returned to normal when they were given selenium supplements.”

Dr. Walker believes that these results open a new therapeutic option for boosting cognitive function in people who were unable to exercise due to poor health or old age.

But she notes that taking selenium supplements should not be viewed as a substitute for exercise and healthy eating, but that, in older people, particularly those with neurological conditions, supplements could be beneficial.

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How to get enough selenium in your diet

The safe upper limit for selenium supplementation is 400 micrograms (mcg) per day. Anything more can cause fever or nausea, and at extreme amounts, can cause liver,  kidney and heart problems.

Most people who eat a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish or meat will have good selenium levels.

Brazil nuts are the food highest in selenium, with just an ounce (6-8 nuts) containing 544mcg.

Other selenium-rich foods include:

  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Halibut
  • Turkey
  • Beef liver
  • Chicken
  • Cottage cheese
  • Brown rice
  • Eggs
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Oatmeal
  • Baked beans

As you can see from this list, a good supply of selenium is available through a wide variety of foods. Even if you’re not a meat or fish eater, it shouldn’t be too hard to get enough.

Editor’s note: While you’re doing all the right things to protect your brain as you age, make sure you don’t make the mistake 38 million Americans do every day — by taking a drug that robs them of an essential brain nutrient! Click here to discover the truth about the Cholesterol Super-Brain!


Natural Mineral May Help Reverse Memory Loss — Neuroscience News

Selenium mediates exercise-induced adult neurogenesis and reverses learning deficits induced by hippocampal injury and aging — Science Direct

15 foods high in selenium — Medical News Today

The post The trace mineral that slows brain aging and helps after stroke appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

Energize your cells to shrink fat—literally Wed, 24 May 2023 15:01:34 +0000 If you struggle with weight issues despite sticking to a reasonably healthy diet and regular exercise routine, it's time you got in on this little secret. It isn't your fault. The standard American diet has made you the victim of a tragic nutrient deficiency that could otherwise shrink fat cells.

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If you struggle with weight issues despite sticking to a reasonably healthy diet and regular exercise routine, it’s time you got in on this little secret…

It isn’t your fault. The modern American diet has made you the victim of a tragic nutrient deficiency.

Oh, sure, you’ve probably heard all your life how important it is to eat your fruits and veggies. But you’ve also heard that you should avoid fat — thanks to the wrong-headed advice of American nutritionists.

And that lack of dietary fat is a big fat problem for more than 90 percent of Americans who are missing out on the incredible health — and weight loss — benefits of omega-3 essential fatty acids.

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Healthy fats help you lose fat

Guess what? If you struggle with stubborn weight around your midsection, there’s a good chance you’re falling short in the essential fatty acids department.

That’s because without the helpful long-chain fatty acids found in omega-3s — eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) — the cells in your body become sluggish. When that happens, your metabolism plummets.

With the addition of EPA and DHA, however, activity within cells increases. That’s because these building blocks of omega-3s give the cells in your body what they need to operate most efficiently.

Researchers have proven that increasing omega-3 intake in obese people reduces belly fat by actually shrinking the size of individual fat cells. And here’s how it works…

Just as people who are more active tend to be leaner, the omega-3s have the amazing ability to increase metabolic activity within fat cells — so the more active cells stay in leaner shape than sluggish ones.

The benefit of kicking cellular activity into high gear is huge when it comes to sustainable weight loss. That’s because the smaller and more active fat cells that remain as you begin to shed pounds respond far better to diet and exercise.

This means that by adding more omega-3s to your diet, you actually can lose weight and keep it off without unsustainable fad diets and unrealistic exercise regimens.

Optimizing your diet with omega-3s…

A big reason so many Americans are deficient in omega-3s is that our diets are low in healthy, oily fish like salmon and mackerel. But adding more omega-3s to your diet doesn’t mean you must start buying and preparing expensive seafood dinners several times each week.

Fish oil supplements are an option, but my preference is krill oil. Krill are small, shrimp-like crustaceans packed with EPA and DHA. Because they are at the bottom of the food chain and found in the cleanest oceans on the planet, it’s a source of omega-3s virtually free of toxins that are commonly found in larger ocean fish.

Beyond its clean composition, what makes krill oil such a better ‘delivery method’ for omega-3s than fish and fish oil are the phospholipids that bind its fatty acids.

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Because your body naturally produces phospholipids, EPA and DHA delivered through krill oil’s phospholipid structure makes it easy for your body’s cells to get the most nutritional benefit from the oil. In fact, compared to fish oil — which delivers EPA and DHA in triglyceride form — krill oil is absorbed 10 to 15 times better.

That means your cells get packed with plenty of EPA and DHA needed for the peak metabolic function that promotes healthy weight loss.

While krill oil is an excellent weight loss aid, you’ll benefit in many other ways by making it part of your daily routine. That’s because krill oil also contains astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that’s not found in fish oil. Its antioxidant potency — in terms of ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) values — is 48 times more potent than fish oil.

That means along with quick and sustainable weight loss results, krill oil can also provide:

  • Better skin, hair and nail health
  • Mood enhancement and improved cognitive function
  • Heart benefits
  • Improved joint health and relief from arthritis

To get the most out of krill oil for weight loss and overall good health, a dose of around 1000mg per day of a quality supplement should do the trick.

Editor’s note: Are you feeling unusually tired? You may think this is normal aging, but the problem could be your master hormone. When it’s not working, your risk of age-related diseases skyrockets. To reset what many call “the trigger for all disease” and live better, longer, click here to discover The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease!

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16 ways to ‘get in the mood’ Wed, 24 May 2023 12:48:55 +0000 One in 10 women experiences a loss of their sexual desire. That’s 16 million women who’ve lost an important part of a healthy life. Maybe you don’t really think it’s a big deal, but there’s something you should know...

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One in 10 women experiences a loss of their sexual desire.

That equates to millions of women who’ve lost an important part of a healthy life, year after year.

And unlike the male libido, a woman’s sex life is often dismissed by doctors when brought up during a medical visit. Big Pharma is making huge profits by helping men carry on in the bedroom, but they seem to care too little about helping women.

Maybe you don’t really think it’s a big deal, but here’s something you should know…

Your sexual energy can make you feel more positive. Sexual intimacy produces the brain neurotransmitters dopamine, the “pleasure” neuro-hormone, and oxytocin, the “intimacy and belonging” neuro-hormone that is released when you kiss someone, have sex, breastfeed and give birth.

Peak Bladder Support

For women, age, childbirth, menopause and hormone fluctuations take a toll on healthy urinary function. For men, an aging body may result in the need for bladder support. Whatever the cause, occasional urinary urgency can… MORE⟩⟩


If you’re not enjoying the active intimate sex life you’d like, you may be surprised to find that exercise may help you bring the romance back.

The best tip for libido-boosting exercise is to build your exercise around things that move your hips. Increasing blood flow to the very target of your waning desire can help immediately.

Take an idea or two from the following list. You don’t have to do them all. Pick one or two that appeal to you and do them consistently if even for minutes a day.

  1. Pick up a hula-hoop and give it a go for a few minutes a day.
  2. Try pilates movements that emphasize articulation of the spine and pelvic tilts. Roll-ups and roll-downs or side-lying leg raises are good ones to try.
  3. Even gentle yoga moves like cat-cow back can get you in touch with your libido again.
  4. Do simple hip bridges lying on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat.
  5. Take a jazz dance class. The isolation moves you’ll do will do wonders for you.
  6. Add a foam roller (see my demonstration here) to your exercise recovery routine and roll your bum, hip flexors, and the sides of your hip.
  7. Perform core exercises that truly target the entire core, not just the abs.
  8. Try stretches for stiff hips.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

Here are eight more ways you can recover your sex drive and enhance hormones that may be getting in the way of your best libido…

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Lift weights

In addition to getting your hips in action with lower body exercises, weight training does two more things for you…

First, you’ll be boosting testosterone levels naturally, which is important since you produce less testosterone as you age. According to my colleague Dr. Michael Cutler, testosterone is the most abundant biologically active female hormone, even more abundant throughout a woman’s lifespan than estrogen. So no longer can we refer to it as a “male” hormone.

Secondly, you’ll feel better about yourself with some power in your workout that increases both tone and confidence.

Find your exercise sweet spot

Over-training will kill your libido due to the increase in cortisol levels. Now, most studies on this focus on men, but it makes sense it would have the same effect on women, so don’t let that dissuade you. Unfortunately, most studies on libido focus disproportionately on men.

On the other hand, undertraining won’t get you enough stimulation, pun intended. Your ideal training level is unique so you may need to assess what’s happening now and increase or decrease for a trial period of time to see how it affects you.

Eat high-quality protein

You’ll be helping those testosterone levels and boosting the results of your weight training by getting adequate protein into each of the three meals.

Reduce or eliminate alcohol

Alcohol can reduce testosterone levels. Try giving it up, at least temporarily, if you’re drinking regularly.

Peak DIM

If you’re having trouble maintaining a healthy weight, feeling sluggish, are unable to regulate your mood, or struggle with your sex drive, you could be experiencing a hormone problem called estrogen dominance. Both men and women experience… MORE⟩⟩


Sleep in bed first

If you’re sleep-deprived, your body is under stress and pumping out cortisol. Stress beyond a certain point is not going to help your cause. Some individuals find intimacy helps relieve stress, but again you’ve got to find that sweet spot where you can relax enough to partake. Work on your sleep hygiene. That is, create a bedtime routine that helps you get a few good nights’ sleep to reduce cortisol. Optimal sleep will also enhance growth hormone which will help that weight training pay off in a fitter body you’ll feel good in.

Exercise with your partner

There’s some proof that active men and women (may I suggest doing some of the exercises above that involve your hips) enjoy an active sex life as well.

Reduce your stress levels

Stressful days don’t lend themselves to playful nights. If you’re under stress from physical stressors like exercise, hormone changes or from emotional stressors from work and finances or you’re simply a worrier, your bedroom activity can suffer. Exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress.

Check your hormones

Many midlife women feel their sex drive beginning to tank starting in peri-menopause. Whether you’re in midlife or not, you might be surprised to find how many women suffer from low libido. There are many options regarding hormone therapy and it’s a personal decision. But if you need some information, Dr. Klodas provides some helpful information on HRT myths and breakthroughs.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!

The post 16 ways to ‘get in the mood’ appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

10 signs of early-onset dementia Mon, 22 May 2023 15:32:29 +0000 Early-onset dementia can hit much earlier than you might think. And even though a few signs are similar to what older people experience, some stand out. It's important to know them and how up to 40 percent of early-onset cases may be avoided...

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In my former career, I was a teacher in a special education classroom.

I depended heavily on my teacher’s assistant to prepare lesson materials, guide students, and generally help run the classroom.

When my usually competent and pleasant teacher’s assistant became irritable and resistant to my directions, I wondered if she was going through some life difficulties.

But when she began having to write down even the simplest of directions I gave her, and even then couldn’t carry them out, I knew something was seriously wrong.

At 53 years old, she was falling victim to early-onset Alzheimer’s dementia.

It’s important to know the signs so that you or a loved one can seek help immediately if you believe this is happening.

Peak Thyroid Support

The thyroid’s main job is to make hormones that regulate the heart, brain, lungs, liver, kidneys, muscles and every other organ and tissue. But to function properly, it needs an adequate supply of iodine — something that gets harder to metabolize with age. That’s why… MORE⟩⟩


How early is early?

Most people with dementia first experience symptoms around age 65 or older. However, some people develop symptoms earlier in life — sometimes as young as their 30s.

Matthew Cohen is an associate professor of communication sciences and disorders at the University of Delaware and associate director of the Delaware Center for Cognitive Aging Research.

He says that many symptoms of early-onset dementia are the same as dementia that occurs later in life, with one exception.

In early-onset dementia, a person is more likely to show noticeable changes in their mood, personality, behavior, or communication abilities.

This is what I first noticed in my teacher’s aide.

10 signs of early-onset dementia to watch for

Professor Cohen notes that it’s normal for the brain to make mistakes at any age, but especially as it ages.

But when do those mistakes add up to something worrisome?

He offers 10 signs and symptoms that might suggest there’s something more going on…

1. Daily problems with thinking and/or memory. Asking the same question over and over again, not just once, is a sign. So is relying more heavily on memory aids or on other people to remember simple things, as occurred with my teacher’s aide.

2. New difficulty handling financial affairs. Difficulty balancing a checkbook or paying bills, when before it was simple, could be a sign of dementia. Also, falling for scams is a clue that something’s wrong that wasn’t before.

3. Familiar tasks become challenging. Driving to a familiar location, or remembering the rules of a favorite game, suddenly aren’t easy anymore.

4. Losing track of dates and places. Missing appointments when someone was always punctual is a warning sign.

5. Changes in visual perception.  Suddenly, someone has trouble understanding visual images, like road signs, or judging spatial relationships, like distances when driving.

6. New problems with spoken or written language. We all have trouble finding the right word sometimes. But if it’s constant, or notably worse than most people your age, it’s worth getting checked. Also, if you find yourself suddenly working harder to follow a conversation, this could be a sign.

7. Misplacing things. Everyone misplaces things from time to time. But if someone is unable to retrace their steps, or accuses others of stealing the item, it could be a sign of dementia.

8. Making uncharacteristically bad decisions. Doing things that are dangerous, or unhealthy, when this does not fit with a person’s typical personality or behavior, is worth noting.

9. Paying less attention to personal care. If someone becomes noticeably sloppy, poorly dressed, or ungroomed who was not this way before, it’s worthy of attention.

10. Changes in mood and personality. For example, if someone is often confused, suspicious of others, or depressed; if they show a loss of empathy (not showing concern for other people’s feelings); or if they just seem to have forgotten how to act in public (make rude comments, take food from someone else’s plate, etc.), this should definitely be checked out.

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What to do about signs of early-onset dementia

If you notice these signs talk to a doctor or another health care provider you’re comfortable with and trust.

But the first steps may actually begin years before these symptoms…

According to Professor Cohen, as many as 40 percent of early onset cases can be delayed with a healthy lifestyle, including diet, exercise and sleep.

Managing medical conditions like high blood pressure can also play a role. It’s been speculated for years that high blood pressure may lead to dementia, but just recently, using new research techniques, researchers were able to see areas of the brain damaged by the condition.

And avoiding one vitamin deficiency, in particular, is worth paying attention to: The University of Calgary’s Hotchkiss Brain Institute has found people who took vitamin D supplements had 40 percent fewer dementia diagnoses than those who did not take the supplements.

Editor’s note: While you’re doing all the right things to protect your brain as you age, make sure you don’t make the mistake 38 million Americans do every day — by taking a drug that robs them of an essential brain nutrient! Click here to discover the truth about the Cholesterol Super-Brain!


Spotting Early Signs of Dementia — Neuroscience News

The post 10 signs of early-onset dementia appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

The unseen damage of vitamin deficiencies: Sacrificing longevity Fri, 19 May 2023 19:21:51 +0000 When it comes to supplements, most doctors say forget them. But nutrition science ignores the fact that most vitamins and minerals are not only needed to maintain daily health, they’re also required for processes that impact longevity. If you’re not taking in enough of the ones on this list, it’s your lifespan that gets cheated…

The post The unseen damage of vitamin deficiencies: Sacrificing longevity appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

When it comes to taking vitamins and minerals to improve or maintain your health, most doctors will tell you not to worry about them. They’ll give you an earful of negativity if you ask about supplementing.

In all my years of natural health research, I can only come to two conclusions as to why: First, to them, health hinges on medicine alone. Secondly, they are stuck on the idea that you get all the nutrition you need from food.

I’ve written before about how inadequate our food supply is at providing proper levels of the nutrients the body needs, so I won’t bore you with all of the details — but it’s partly due to depleted soil and the business of food processing, which strips out everything healthful only to replace it with synthetic versions of vitamins your body doesn’t absorb as well.

Well, thank goodness for scientists like Dr. Bruce Ames, who, after more than a decade of research would argue that shortages of vitamins and minerals are not only very real and widespread but that by skimping by with inadequate amounts, we’re cheating ourselves of valuable “longevity vitamins” critical to long-term maintenance.

Peak Longevity Platinum

Every cell in the body depends on mitochondria for energy. Together, cells and mitochondria are building blocks for life and health. But mitochondria wear out with age, which leaves cells unable to create the energy they need to function properly… MORE⟩⟩


The triage theory

Research into aging is at an all-time fever pitch. But if Dr. Ames is correct, some of the best longevity agents have been under our noses the whole time, but we’ve barely given them half a chance.

Dr. Ames has presented a novel idea about vitamins and minerals and how the body uses them, known as the triage theory. And it could revolutionize the longevity game.

In a nutshell, Dr. Ames’s theory explains why deficiencies — even ones without overt symptoms — could contribute to the aging process, shortening longevity.

According to Dr. Ames, nutrition science ignores the fact that most vitamins and minerals are not only needed to maintain our day-to-day health — but that they are also required by hundreds of enzymes within our cells that perform processes that impact long-term health, in other words — our longevity.

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When those vitamins and enzymes work together, they’ve got bigger goals in mind than just tomorrow. Vitamins like vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium are critical to helping different kinds of enzymes repair DNA damage and prevent oxidative damage — actions that prepare the body for the long haul.

So when the body is not getting enough of a vitamin (or other compounds I’ll detail shortly), it’s rationed. And you can probably guess where the largest share goes… to the processes that ensure immediate survival. That means any processes the enzymes and vitamins work together on that could impact longevity, get the short end of the stick. And so do you.

9+ Longevity “vitamins”

In his work, he has identified survival vitamins and longevity vitamins, and there is crossover as well: some vitamins may fulfill both functions, which makes sense. You can’t live later if you’re not functioning well now.

At least 70 percent of Americans are deficient in the vitamins, minerals and compounds that Dr. Ames says should be recognized as “longevity vitamins.”

Shortages can be problematic, but some deficiencies don’t make their damage known for years. Others may have a quicker impact…

For instance, Dr. Ames’s research team has seen that when low-level deficiencies of vitamin K and selenium occur, the body produces fewer enzymes needed to keep arteries clear, sacrificing more vitamin K for blood clotting.

Before I list Dr. Ames’ “longevity vitamins,” I need to mention that every nutrient on this list is not a vitamin in the traditional sense. And I’ll include a few notes from Dr. Ames’s paper in the list.

Those marked with an asterisk are both survival and longevity vitamins, of which vitamin K is also one (per the example above), and in his paper, Dr. Ames cites references that associate deficiencies of these three, and many of the others as well, with serious illnesses that affect healthy aging…

  1. Vitamin D*. About 2,700 binding sites have been found in the human genome interacting with the vitamin D receptor protein. Extensive evidence shows that vitamin D deficiency causes, or has been associated with, a large number of illnesses that affect healthy aging. It is estimated that vitamin D levels in 70 percent of the U.S. population are inadequate. Dr. Ames states that fear of toxicity is to blame for discouraging supplementation and that newer evidence on the effect of vitamin D on all-cause mortality supersedes these toxicity studies, concluding that there was no increased risk even when blood levels of 25(OH)D were as high as 100 ng/mL.
  2. Omega-3 fatty acids* (DHA and EPA). Dr. Ames cites research that intake of these compounds is inadequate in most of the U.S. population, and studies that conclude: low blood levels of DHA/EPA were shown in a 5-year study to be associated with a faster rate of telomere shortening, a marker of cell aging; Supplemental fish oil (2.5 g/d) slowed telomere shortening and lowered biomarkers of oxidation in older adults; Daily supplemental DHA (2 g/d) increased the rate of clearance of amyloid plaques in people with mild cognitive impairment; DHA/EPA are important for vitamin D steroid hormone effectiveness.
  3. Magnesium*. About 45 percent of the American population is deficient in magnesium, which is associated with poor DNA repair capacity, telomere shortening, as well as illness.
  4. Choline. Only 11 percent of women achieve the recommended intake and the average intake for the population are half to two-thirds of this recommendation; severe choline deficiency results in DNA strand breaks in rodents, alterations to epigenetic markers and histones, and affects brain development. Good sources of choline include chicken, fish, lean pork, eggs, beef, shrimp, beans, low-fat milk, broccoli, and green peas.
  5. Taurine is important in preventing numerous health problems and it is particularly important in the mitochondria. Because of taurine’s extensive involvement in health problems that lead to long-term damage, Dr. Ames proposed that it is also a longevity vitamin. Most taurine is acquired from the diet, mainly from fish and other seafood, seaweed, eggs, and dark-meat poultry.
  6. Ergothioneine (ESH), according to Dr. Ames, has many characteristics that suggest an involvement in healthy aging. ESH is present in almost all human cell and tissue types, often at millimolar levels in the brain, bone marrow, lens and cornea of the eye, and erythrocytes, where it appears to play a significant role as an antioxidant. It is present in the human diet, mostly synthesized by most mushrooms. A detailed analysis suggests that mushrooms are a major ESH source in Europe. Oyster and king boletus mushrooms contain about >100 mg/kg wet weight. Foods known to have moderate levels of ESH (1 mg/kg wet weight) include beef, pork, lamb and chicken. Oat bran, black turtle bean and red kidney bean contain >3 mg/kg.
  7. Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ). PQQ is an important plant growth factor imported from rhizobacteria. It is a powerful antioxidant and is much more stable than ascorbic acid. PQQ supplementation improved antioxidant potential and decreased the levels of mitochondrial-related intermediates and metabolites in urine, providing support for previous studies that demonstrated that PQQ improved mitochondrial efficiency.
  8. Queuine has a complex role in the conversion of phenylalanine to tyrosine, of tryptophan to serotonin, of tyrosine to DOPA (which gets converted into epinephrine and norepinephrine), of arginine to NO, and for the oxidation of alkyl glycerol lipids — therefore relevance to numerous neurological conditions. Queuine is an evolutionarily ancient compound, and detectable amounts of queuine have been identified in tomatoes, wheat, coconut water, and milk from humans, cows, and goats. Humans and mice recover queuine from either ingested food or the gut flora.
  9. Carotenoids: This group includes lutein, zeaxanthin, lycopene, α- and β-carotene, and β-cryptoxanthin and the powerful marine carotenoid astaxanthin. These first six are plant carotenoids that account for 95 percent of the carotenoids found in American blood and brain. Astaxanthin is sourced from algae, yeast, salmon, trout, krill, shrimp and crayfish.

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Dr. Ames is a Senior Scientist at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute (CHORI), director of their Nutrition & Metabolism Center, and a Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of California, Berkeley. His scientific career has spanned seven decades.

Says Dr. Ames, “The prevention of the degenerative diseases of aging is a different science than curing disease: it will involve expertise in metabolism, nutrition, biochemistry and genetic regulatory elements and polymorphisms.”

Editor’s note: Are you feeling unusually tired? You may think this is normal aging, but the problem could be your master hormone. When it’s not working, your risk of age-related diseases skyrockets. To reset what many call “the trigger for all disease” and live better, longer, click here to discover The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease!


Prolonging healthy aging: Longevity vitamins and proteins — Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States

Adequate Consumption of ‘Longevity’ Vitamins Could Prolong Healthy Aging, Nutrition Science Says — University of California San Francisco

The post The unseen damage of vitamin deficiencies: Sacrificing longevity appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

What a doctor with cancer discovered about cannabis Fri, 19 May 2023 18:32:36 +0000 No matter the cancer type, when it comes to treatment, chemo brain, pain and poor sleep are along for the ride. And even though some doctors are supportive of alternatives like CBD, they don't know what to tell their patients. A doctor with cancer believes her research can...

The post What a doctor with cancer discovered about cannabis appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

I’ve lived with a painful nerve condition called trigeminal neuralgia for about 20 years now.

When the pain rears its ugly head, I go to my local marijuana dispensary and purchase some CBD oil. A few drops under the tongue, along with my regular medication, really takes the edge off.

Even after all this time, this licensed dispensary does not have an account that would let them accept my debit card. It’s cash only.


Because even though medical marijuana is legal in my state, the federal government still considers it a dangerous Schedule 1 drug, right along with heroin and LSD.

For this same reason, any research into the benefits of CBD for illnesses like cancer has been limited to government-supplied cannabis.

No one’s been able to assess the benefits of “over-the-counter” cannabis products like the one I use for pain or sleep.

But now, for pretty much the first time, someone has found a way around that – and has proven the benefits of cannabis products for people with cancer.

Cannabis, chemo brain, pain and more

Federal law prohibits university researchers from possessing or distributing cannabis for research unless it’s government-issued or of pharmaceutical grade.

So Dr. Angela Bryan, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at CU Boulder and a cancer survivor, took a different approach.

Dr. Bryan collaborated with oncologists at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus to observe 25 cancer patients for two weeks. All of them were users of cannabis products.

She and her research team assessed patients’ baseline pain levels, sleep patterns, and cognition. Then, the 25 patients were asked to purchase an edible product of their choice from a dispensary.

They were offered many choices, including chocolates, gummies, pills, and baked goods that had various ratios of THC (the hallucinatory part of marijuana) and CBD (the non-hallucinatory part). A wide range of potencies was also offered.

After two weeks of use, a follow-up exam assessed their levels of pain and cognition.

Patients reported that within an hour, cannabis eased their pain significantly, but made them feel “high,” which impaired their cognition.

But after two weeks of use, all of them reported improvements in pain, sleep and cognitive function. Objective measures of cognitive function, such as reaction time, also improved.

A doctor who was also a cancer patient

In 2017, Dr. Bryan’s work life and her personal health collided when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Suddenly, she could find out first-hand what medical cannabis products could do. After surgery and chemotherapy, she turned to cannabis to help ease her pain.

But she discovered one big stumbling block.

“The doctors were so supportive of what I wanted to do, but they had no idea what to tell me,” she says. “There was just no data.”

On her own, she created a custom regimen of cannabis products: more THC-heavy when her pain was intense and she didn’t have to be mentally sharp, and milder, CBD-heavy products during the day to keep her pain manageable.

Because she had the knowledge needed to do this, Dr. Bryan was able to avoid using opioids for her pain.

“I was extremely lucky because I had some knowledge about this. Most patients don’t,” she said. 

She hopes her research, and more to come will help cancer patients (and other people) make better decisions in the future about how to use cannabis to manage pain and improve sleep.

Cannabinoids in surprising places

If you live in a state where you have legal access to marijuana, trying it once or twice to see if it helps is pretty risk-free.

When you go to the marijuana dispensary, you’ll see that marijuana comes in many forms and varieties. Don’t worry. There are experts there to help you. Just tell them what issue you’re trying to resolve (insomnia, pain, etc.) and they’ll show you what type will help you most.

If marijuana is still illegal in your state, you might want to try eating more foods with omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, tuna, eggs, flax seeds and walnuts.

Omega-3’s contain endocannabinoids, compounds that in studies have been shown to play a useful role in cancer prevention… and maybe even treatment.

Editor’s note: Why full-spectrum CBD? It’s called the ‘entourage effect’ and dozens of studies show it is now the most effective way to get the most out of a CBD supplement. To see what CBD can do for you and has already done for others, Click Here!


Cannabis knocks down pain, improves sleep and lifts brain fog in cancer patients Eureka Alert

Cannabis use in cancer patients: acute and sustained associations with pain, cognition, and quality of life

The post What a doctor with cancer discovered about cannabis appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

6 ways to make your varicose veins and blood clot risk vanish Thu, 18 May 2023 18:37:39 +0000 Whether varicose veins put a kink in your style or not, you should know they're not as benign as we've been lead to believe. They could increase your risk for deep vein thrombosis. Here are 6 ways to reduce the threat...

The post 6 ways to make your varicose veins and blood clot risk vanish appeared first on Easy Health Options®.

It happens every summer…

Millions of women find themselves looking longingly at a pair of shorts or a new swimsuit wishing they could put them on.

But instead, they throw on the same old beach cover-up they’ve worn for years. Why?

They’re too embarrassed by their varicose veins.

If you have varicose veins, this internal struggle is probably pretty familiar to you. You want to get into the spirit of the season and wear cute clothes. But those dang varicose veins keep cramping your style. Or maybe you’ve learned to wear what you want and embrace your body exactly how it is — varicose veins and all. And if that’s your approach, you rock! More power to you!

But either way — whether you’re self-conscious about your varicose veins or you don’t let a few veins get you down — you should know that varicose veins are more than a cosmetic issue. They could put you at increased risk for blood clots.

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For women, age, childbirth, menopause and hormone fluctuations take a toll on healthy urinary function. For men, an aging body may result in the need for bladder support. Whatever the cause, occasional urinary urgency can… MORE⟩⟩


Varicose veins signal blood clot trouble

Varicose veins are generally a benign condition, but they can increase your risk for another condition that’s a lot more concerning…

A new study from researchers at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan found that varicose veins can significantly increase the risk for dangerous blood clots.

The study included data from more than 425,000 people. Half of these people had varicose veins, and those who did had a 5.3 times higher risk of developing deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

If you’re not familiar with it, deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot that forms in veins deep within your body. Typically, it occurs in your legs and causes symptoms like leg swelling, pain, red or discolored skin or a feeling of warmth in the affected leg. Sometimes, however, it doesn’t cause any symptoms.

Deep vein thrombosis is dangerous because the blood clot that develops in your leg can travel to other parts of your body. It can even cause something called a pulmonary embolism, where the clot gets lodged in your lungs and prevents you from breathing. And that can be deadly.

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Tackling the serious side of varicose veins

So now you may have forgotten all about your seasonal struggle with shorts — you’ve got blood clots on the brain. But don’t let this latest information about blood clots stress you out. Instead, let it inspire you to tackle those varicose veins and lower your blood clot risk. Here are six natural ways you can do that:

  1. Try compression. Compression socks are one of the more popular ways to improve and prevent varicose veins. They’re far from glamorous, but they do work… and that’s what counts. Compression socks promote healthy circulation in your legs, and poor leg circulation is something most varicose vein sufferers struggle with. Compression socks are affordable, easy to find, and they even come in fun prints and patterns nowadays. These aren’t your grandparents’ compression socks! Compression socks won’t completely get rid of varicose veins, but they will make them less noticeable. They’ll also help prevent new varicose veins from forming.
  2. Exercise more. Varicose veins are often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting at a desk (or even standing) all day can take a toll on your circulation. That’s why exercise is so important if you’re prone to varicose veins. Most experts agree that exercise is one of the best ways to prevent new varicose veins from forming. But it can also lessen the appearance of existing varicose veins, especially if it leads to weight loss. Extra body weight puts more pressure on veins, which can make them bulgy and more noticeable.
  3. Eat more fiber. Some research suggests there might be a connection between varicose veins and constipation. In fact, one study found that countries that have fiber-deficient diets (like the U.S.) also tend to have more issues with varicose veins. Researchers suspect that’s because a lack of fiber leads to constipation, and the straining that accompanies constipation puts enormous pressure on your veins, which can lead to that bulging effect.
  4. Give horse chestnut a whirl. The herb horse chestnut is probably the most popular supplement used to treat varicose veins. Studies show it can help with chronic venous insufficiency, a condition where the vein valves in the legs don’t work properly leading to leg circulation issues. Many people who have varicose veins also have chronic venous insufficiency and vice versa.
  5. Turn to gotu kola. Gotu kola is another herb that can help with chronic venous insufficiency. Studies show it can even relieve symptoms like swelling and leakage from the veins, so you may want to give this Asian herb a try.
  6. Be sure to eat your bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids found in foods like berries, leafy greens, garlic and onions promote healthy veins. So make sure to eat plenty of these foods. The flavonoids found in the bioflavanoid rutin have also been shown to strengthen the walls of the veins and ease the symptoms of varicose veins. You can get rutin in a supplement or in foods like apples, citrus fruits, figs, black tea, green tea and buckwheat.

Editor’s note: Have you heard of EDTA chelation therapy? It was developed originally to remove lead and other contaminants, including heavy metals, from the body. Its uses now run the gamut from varicose veins to circulation. Click here to discover Chelation: Natural Miracle for Protecting Your Heart and Enhancing Your Health!


  1. Varicose Veins — Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 5, 2018.
  2. Deep Vein Thrombosis — Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 5, 2018.
  3. Varicose veins tied to higher odds for blood clots — MedicalXpress. Retrieved March 5, 2018.
  4. Varicose Veins: 7 Myths You Shouldn’t Believe — Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved March 5, 2018.
  5. P. Burkitt. “Varicose Veins, Deep Vein Thrombosis, and Haemorrhoids: Epidemiology and Suggested Aetiology” — British Medical Journal, June 1972.
  6. Varicose Veins — University of Maryland Medical Center. Retrieved March 5, 2018.

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Coffee’s blood pressure benefits ‘closest to the heart’ Thu, 18 May 2023 14:58:48 +0000 Of all the benefits applied to coffee, there’s been some conflicting data about its effects on blood pressure. But Italian researchers have discovered something surprising about coffee, blood pressure and the best predictor of stroke and heart attack…

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Does coffee help or hurt your heart health? The answer depends on which experts you ask.

Drinking too much coffee has been shown to lead to heart palpitations.

But at the same time, drinking higher amounts of coffee was associated with a three percent reduced risk of developing an arrhythmia, including atrial fibrillation.

A daily cup of coffee may also help heart attack survivors lower their risk of death after a heart attack — and two cups a day may lower heart failure risk by 30 percent.

However, a previous study suggests if you have very high blood pressure, you should limit your coffee consumption to a cup a day or risk doubling your chances of death from cardiovascular disease.

So what is the truth? A team of researchers working to resolve these mixed messages has discovered something surprising about coffee, blood pressure and the best predictor of stroke and heart attack…

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One to three cups a day maintains low blood pressure

Almost 10 million tons of coffee are consumed worldwide. No doubt, a little of the beverage’s popularity might be attributed to studies that imply protective effects against cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and certain neurodegenerative and liver diseases.

However, investigators are still trying to unravel the mechanisms behind these benefits, since many of them do not appear to be directly related to the caffeine in coffee.

“Caffeine is only one of the several coffee components and certainly not the only one with an active role,” says Arrigo Cicero, a professor at the University of Bologna. “Positive effects on human health have indeed been recorded even among those who consume decaffeinated coffee.”

Cicero adds that while it’s true caffeine can increase blood pressure, other bioactive components in coffee seem to offset this effect, resulting in a positive end result on blood pressure levels.

To explore this phenomenon further, the research team looked at a sample of just over 1,500 men and women from an Italian heart study. They compared blood pressure levels and coffee consumption habits, along with a range of other clinical data All the participants were free from cardiovascular disease.

And the results were clear…

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Why do we age? Researchers have an abundance of theories. One particularly strong one is that free radicals, produced by the body’s own processes and by elements in the environment, damage cells and age us before our time. But it’s possible to… MORE⟩⟩


Peripheral blood pressure was significantly lower in participants who consumed one to three cups of coffee a day than in those who did not drink coffee at all. Peripheral blood pressure is the measurement your doctor gets when they use your arm to take your blood pressure.

That wasn’t the only revelation…

For the first time, the researchers were able to confirm an almost identical phenomenon with regard to central aortic pressure — the measure that’s closest to the heart.

Experts believe measuring central aortic pressure is more accurate and useful than peripheral blood pressure because it’s better at predicting if the person will have a stroke or heart disease.

Bottom line: People who drink two or three cups of coffee a day have lower blood pressure than those who drink just one cup or none at all. And all results confirmed the positive effects of coffee in mitigating the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to drink coffee like the Italians

One thing the researchers did not track was the preparation methods of the self-reported coffee consumption by participants — or how much of the coffee consumed by the participants was decaffeinated.

However, Italians drink very little decaffeinated coffee — it makes up less than 5 percent of the market,  and as of 2018 that was shrinking.

The most popular preparation among Italians is expresso. They may enjoy 7 or 8 per day — but in very small amounts, often just a few ounces at a time.

Based on time of day, milk may be added (cappuccinos are popular in the morning) and sometimes a little cocoa (which has health benefits of its own). Later in the day, adding milk is frowned upon because it’s considered “too heavy.”

As for milk, follow your preference. Copenhagen researchers found that taking your coffee with milk can boost the inflammation-dousing power of polyphenols.

A key thing to remember about drinking coffee is to go easy on the sugar to avoid the sweetener’s ill health effects.

However, Italians can be a little heavy-handed with the sugar. A friend shared a story about an Italian nun who visited and wanted to make the family authentic espresso. It was too sweet even for their tastes. This might be one time the adage “when in Rome,” might not be the best advice.

Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!


Drinking coffee helps maintain low blood pressure — EurekAlert!

Self-Reported Coffee Consumption and Central and Peripheral Blood Pressure in the Cohort of the Brisighella Heart Study — Nutrients

Central Blood Pressure Measurement — Cleveland Clinic

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Women and heart disease: Don’t wait to take it seriously Wed, 17 May 2023 21:07:42 +0000 Heart disease is the number one killer of women in the U.S. That's still surprising to some, but consider this: the likelihood a woman will die of breast cancer is about 1 in 30. The chance that she will die from heart disease is 1 in 3. That means it's never too early to take your risks seriously.

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May is Women’s Health Month, and what better way to celebrate than taking care of your heart!

After all, heart disease is the number one killer of women in the United States, taking the lives of more women each year than all types of cancers combined. 

In fact, the likelihood that a woman will die of breast cancer is about 1 in 30. The chance that she will die from heart disease is 1 in 3.

Given that heart disease is a woman’s disease and that it is predominantly preventable, I’d like to share some heart-healthy tips for women at every phase of life.

Let’s start with those of you in your 20s and 30s…

Heart disease doesn’t just happen when you get older

Although heart disease disproportionately affects older women, it’s critically important to lower your heart disease risk at as young an age as possible. 

Heart disease — the build-up of plaque in arteries — is a result of the cumulative impact of various risk factors. So the earlier you start addressing those, the better. 

One of the best things you can do for your heart in your 20s and 30s is to not start smoking — or vaping. And quitting if you already smoke or vape. 

About 14% of women between ages 25 and 44 smoke cigarettes.  1 in 5 Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 vapes.  Most people think vaping is much less injurious compared to smoking, but when it comes to heart health, that’s just not true.

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For decades, we’ve known that the toxic chemicals in cigarette smoke damage the cells that line blood vessel walls. 

That not only reduces blood vessel reactivity so that they can’t dilate properly in response to stress — but also makes them more susceptible to accumulating plaque leading to coronary artery blockages, stroke, peripheral vascular disease and abdominal aortic aneurysms.

What we are beginning to see is that vaping nicotine is probably equally dangerous to blood vessel health, and those negative impacts show up even among younger users with less exposure to nicotine than older smokers… 

Recent studies have shown that people who vape or smoke have worse blood pressure, higher heart rates and more blood vessel constriction, and can’t exercise as well as people who don’t use nicotine at all.

Plus, we really don’t know what the health effects may be of regularly exposing your respiratory system to the vaporized scents, flavors and nicotine carriers that are part and parcel of e-juice. 

Many of these compounds are “generally regarded as safe” by the FDA based on data around ingestion, but their effects on the respiratory system might not necessarily be benign. For example, workers at a microwave popcorn processing plant became sick with severe lung disorder, later dubbed “popcorn lung” after airborne exposure to butter flavoring chemicals. What could recurrent exposure to a bubble gum flavor in vape juice do to the lungs of teenage girls? We have no idea.

Make exercise and healthy weight a priority

Besides avoiding all nicotine-containing products, another important health step during your 20s and 30s is to attain and maintain a healthy weight. Our bodies respond to food and exercise adjustments most readily when we are young. I’m not suggesting you have to run marathons or be a stick.  Get your body to a place you are happy with and keep it there — and get back to that place after each pregnancy (I know, easier said than done). 

Making exercise a daily habit now will really help keep you fit down the road. I started regular exercise at the tender age of 54. I wish I had started MUCH earlier because regular physical activity has given me so much energy and has helped me feel so much better! 

Setting aside time to exercise might feel selfish if you have a young family. But no one can do this for you. Plus, don’t you want to be that fun, active mom that can keep up with her kids even when they’re teens?

I’ve never had a weight issue, but I see many female patients who hit 50 out of shape and markedly overweight. And what I can tell you is that losing weight and getting fit is WAY harder after menopause. Being proactive about attaining and maintaining a healthy weight when you’re young is priceless insurance for the future.

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Checkups and testing

Your 20s and 30s are also a great time to start talking to your doctor about risk factors that can only be discovered through testing.

At your annual physical, make sure you have baseline tests for cholesterol and blood pressure. After that, your provider should check your cholesterol blood levels at least every four to six years and your blood pressure every two years, more often if you have a family history of either hyperlipidemia or hypertension.

If you have blood relatives who have experienced early heart or vascular events, let your doctor know that. Under those circumstances, getting your lipoprotein A level checked would be a good idea at this age.

It’s also important to note that gestational diabetes and eclampsia/pre-eclampsia are risk factors unique to women that translate into a higher likelihood of developing heart disease down the road. If you experience any of these during pregnancy, know that controlling all other, modifiable risk factors will be even more important as you age.

And lastly — but certainly not least! — don’t forget to eat like those people in the Blue Zones! As we’ve demonstrated many times, eating a colorful diet rooted in whole foods can go a long way to not only improving heart health but to ensuring healthy longevity. The earlier you include healthier foods in your routine, the better. 

And yes, it’s perfectly appropriate for young adults to consume Step One Foods. You may not need to eat them twice per day for cholesterol control, but you’ll never go wrong incorporating nutritionally dense foods formulated specifically to enhance health into your diet, even if it’s only from time to time.

I’ll be back with tips for women heading into the perimenopausal years.

Editor’s note: There are numerous safe and natural ways to decrease your risk of blood clots including the 25-cent vitamin, the nutrient that acts as a natural blood thinner and the powerful herb that helps clear plaque. To discover these and more, click here for Hushed Up Natural Heart Cures and Common Misconceptions of Popular Heart Treatments!

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Could a resveratrol supplement fight Lyme disease? Wed, 17 May 2023 19:04:12 +0000 Not to sound paranoid, but my biggest concern about being outdoors isn't snakes, it’s ticks. More than 475,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported each year in the U.S. Though early antibiotic therapy can help, a few plant extracts found to kill the bacteria may hold more promise...

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Not to sound paranoid or anything, but my biggest concern when I spend time outdoors is not snakes… it’s the ticks.

For good reason. The bite of some species of ticks carries the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, responsible for what might be considered a silent plague…

Based on data from 2010 and 2018, the CDC estimates more than 475,000 new cases of Lyme disease are reported each year in the U.S. And other than long-term antibiotic therapy — which the medical community admits is not always effective — there isn’t much else available that your doctor can offer.

That leaves a lot of Lyme disease victims suffering from debilitating fatigue, joint pains, memory problems, facial paralysis, aches, stiffness in the neck, heart palpitations, and severe headaches — for life.

But there may be light at the end of the tunnel…

That’s because the treatment of Lyme disease is at least one area where the medical community may be forced to realize the benefit of alternative treatments.

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Natural extracts that fight Lyme disease

The antibiotics doxycycline and cefuroxime are currently the go-to antibiotics used against the bacterial species behind Lyme disease, Borrelia burgdorferi (B. burgdorferi)

However, antibiotics are not effective in eradicating all traces of B. burgdorferi from the system, which means that the disease can persist.

The impressive likes of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, with colleagues at the California Center for Functional Medicine and Focus Health, surveyed the power of 14 plant-based extracts to kill the bacteria, compared to antibiotic treatment.

What they found was downright impressive…

The researchers show that plant extracts from black walnut, cat’s claw, sweet wormwood, Mediterranean rockrose and Chinese skullcap had strong activity against B. burgdorferi, outperforming both tested antibiotics.

But by far the strongest performers were Ghanaian quinine (Cryptolepis sanguinolenta; also known as yellow-dye root, nibima, or kadze) and Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum).

Ghanaian quinine is a shrub from West Africa containing the antimicrobial alkaloid cryptolepine and is used in ethnomedicine to treat malaria, hepatitis, septicemia and tuberculosis.

Japanese knotweed is a traditional medicine in India and China that contains the polyphenol antioxidant resveratrol. In other preclinical studies, it has been found to have anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects and protect the nervous system and heart.

Extracts from both plants were found to kill microcolonies of Borrelia burgdorferi and inhibit the division of the planktonic form, even at low concentrations (0.03-0.5 percent). In fact, just a single 7-day treatment with 1 percent Ghanaian quinine could completely eradicate the bacterium. Amazingly, it did not regrow, even under optimal conditions.

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Resveratrol: The power behind Japanese knotweed.

So if someone like me wants to feel like I’m doing something “extra” that could lessen my risk of contracting Lyme (in addition to wearing lightweight clothing to my ankles and wrists), would choosing a resveratrol supplement make sense?

I’m going to take resveratrol anyway, so why the heck not?

Most supplements containing resveratrol source this powerful antioxidant from the Japanese knotweed. You would see it listed as Polygonum cuspitadum.

According to the information I read at — an independent educational organization that analyzes nutrition and supplement research — most of the benefits attributed to Japanese knotweed are likely because of its resveratrol content.

More good news is that a forgotten antibiotic, hygromycin A, first discovered in the 1950s is also proving helpful against Lyme disease in mice studies. It was also less disruptive to the mice’s gut microbiomes than conventional broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Above all this summer, be cautious in wooded areas or even in your yard, especially if you let the grass get a little high. Do self-checks to make sure if a tick did hitch a ride, or worse, bite you, you make the discovery as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is imperative when it comes to antibiotic therapy and Lyme disease.

To safely remove a tick, follow these instructions from the CDC.

Stay safe this summer!

Editor’s note: Are you feeling unusually tired? You may think this is normal aging, but the problem could be your master hormone. When it’s not working, your risk of age-related diseases skyrockets. To reset what many call “the trigger for all disease” and live better, longer, click here to discover The Insulin Factor: How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease!


  1. Ethnobotanical medicine is effective against the bacterium causing Lyme disease — EurekAlert

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